6 Best Kpop Confession Songs for Valentines Day

Valentine's Day can be immensely joyful and stressful in equal measure. Those in a committed relationship may find it simple to show their partner appreciation with presents, chocolates, and cards. But what if you struggle to express yourself well? What if you have someone you want to declare your affection to more than anything? These kpop confession songs can help! For the forthcoming Lovey-dovey Day, here is the ideal playlist:

Kpop Confession Songs for Valentines Day

"Heart Attack" - Loona (Chuu)

Ever feel like you're being attacked from the inside when you fall so deeply for someone? In such a case, Loona 's Chuu has you covered. An energetic confession kpop song, "Heart Attack," expresses love for another person.

There is no room for nuance in the language used to confess. It's a direct, audacious statement that conveys just how strong your emotions are. There's no way your crush will dispute your affections after hearing the lines "you're my destiny" and "I'll give it all, take my heart."

"I’m Serious" - DAY6

DAY6 offers the ideal solution for your confession anxiety if you've tried convincing your crush to recognize your feelings through little gestures. The upbeat kpop confession song "I'm Serious" describes every expression that should have conveyed one's feelings.

They sing, "You truly don't know, my eyes are on you, just you," in a desperate attempt to persuade that special someone to notice their emotions, which is a typical example of thinking your sentiments are evident to someone when they are entirely unaware. Day6 has done a terrific job verbalizing such feelings so that a crush can grasp them.

"Angel 2 Me" - McKay (Ft. Jeff Bernat)

This is one of the best kpop love confession songs that provides an honest and in-depth look into your feelings for that particular person. It is significantly quieter than the songs previously described.

With its sweetly spoken reassurances, the confession kpop song promises adoration, utmost loyalty, and devotion, that "no matter what, you're an angel to me," and is the ideal song to play during a romantic dinner or slow dance with the one you love. Like something from a K-drama!

"Darling" - Girl’s Day

This kpop confession song is for people who are hesitant to express their feelings but fear they will blow up if they do. Girl's Day expresses their love for the person they are seeing in a very evident manner. They sing about how they are too shy to aggressively pursue a relationship like some other couples do and how being in love with someone for the first time is what genuine love feels like to them.

It is one of the confession kpop songs to play when someone is trying to start their first relationship, and it's also ideal for people who have already found love. The lyrics talk about how sweet the other person is, how it was almost impossible not to fall in love with them, and how they'll be calling them from now on.

"Touch" - NCT 127

NCT 127 brings us the perfect track to describe what it’s like realizing you have a crush on someone. It consumes you every minute, and you’re constantly thinking about them or ways to be beside them.

Sometimes you’re unsure if it’s a crush you have or if you just appreciate them as a person, but one single touch could melt your heart, and then you know you’re trapped with admiration. That’s the feeling this kpop love confession song is capturing! Suitable for anyone wanting to relive that same butterfly-in-stomach experience that comes with the early signs of a crush.

"Roller Coaster" - Chungha

When Chungha sings about her hesitancy and worries about starting another relationship in "Roller Coaster," she bares all. She is now prepared to let go of all those bad emotions and jump right into a new relationship with the important person in her life.

Anyone can be excited about the potential of a new relationship thanks to the kpop confession song's cheerful and catchy chorus, and it will also put any anxieties you may have from previous relationships at ease.

Cover Image: NCT 127 (SM Entertainment)

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