Flavor of the Week: Korepab's brother, the Sangeobap!

Arr, matey! Sangeobap be the perfect snack for me crew!

by RoyalCha

Okay, I’ll save you from having to read me type in pirate-speak for the rest of this article ☠️. This week’s Flavor of the Week is the new Sangeobap (included in this month's SnackFever Box)!

Seafood is no stranger to Korean food. As a country located on a peninsula, there’s plenty of reasons as to why Koreans love everything from sea cucumber to slippery squid. That being said, if you expressively don’t enjoy seafood, this snack is not for you. But, for those of you that do, this snack is GREAT!

Personally, I’ve been munching on these bite-sized biscuits since elementary school, and they always bring a smile to my face. Rather than certain fishy orange-colored smiling snacks that other kids had, I preferred Korepab, the original version of this new snack. The box is bright and happy, with a pirate whale smiling back at you; what’s not to like? It’s filled with all sorts of fun shapes. From whales to starfish, to crabs, Sangeopab is a menagerie of marine life for your mouth! Taste-wise, I love everything about it. The biscuits are thin and super crispy, and the seasoning is the perfect blend of sweet and savory. Each bite has a satisfying crunch sound, along with an explosion of flavors for your taste buds to just revel in.

So what are you waiting for, mateys? Grab a pair of yer trustiest trousers and make way for the booty-ful ocean; our sea snack voyage be waiting for you around the bend!

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