How to Take Care of K-Fashion Jewelry

A piece of jewelry can make or break your outfit. Many different types of jewelry enhance a look depending on its type and design. If taken care of properly, jewelry can last for years.

Let’s learn how to preserve your K-Fashion jewelry properly to keep our beloved jewels in good condition.

How to Take Care of K-Fashion Jewelry

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The Basics

When caring for jewelry, it is better to avoid harsh treatments and cleaners. Jewelry cleaners are designed for use on authentic metals.

If you plan to clean your K-Fashion it is not recommended to use a cleaner. But if you plan on using one, make sure that your jewelry is made from precious metals and not coated silver, gold, or platinum.

Tips for Wearing K-Fashion Jewelry

When it comes to wearing jewelry, the unspoken rule is that jewelry should be the last thing you put on and the first thing you take off.

Not only does this help prolong your jewelry's quality, but it also prevents it from getting in contact with harmful substances like lotions or perfumes.

This practice can preserve your jewelry and keep it tarnish-free. Taking off your jewelry before your clothes ensures that they won’t get stuck or snagged on any clothing items ruining both your jewelry and a nice cardigan that you love.

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Activities to Avoid

Jewelry is very sensitive and should not be mixed with harsh chemicals. Avoid any activity where the jewelry could react with a substance. This includes hot springs, spas, doing the dishes, laundry, bathing, and swimming.

Some of these activities include the use of harsh products that can change the color of your jewelry when it comes in contact with it. Chlorine is bad for jewelry as it reacts with the metals and increases the chances of tarnishing. These substances can also take off the finish of your jewelry, something you should avoid.

You should also avoid wearing your K-Fashion jewelry when cooking and gardening if you want to keep your jewelry in pristine condition. Don’t sleep in jewelry to ensure that it doesn’t break or get lost.

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How to Clean K-Fashion Jewelry

It is always recommended to clean your jewelry before use or storage. A good habit would be to clean your K-Fashion jewelry several times a month or as needed.

  • Use a simple, soft, and non-abrasive cloth to remove fingerprints, dust, grime, and oils.
  • For a more thorough clean you should avoid any fancy chemicals. Basic soap and water will work perfectly to clean your jewelry.
  • You can also use a simple dish detergent and a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush away the grime and smudges.
  • Make sure to rinse under clean water and dry it thoroughly by using a towel to pat it dry.
  • After that, make sure to store it properly.
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K-Fashion Jewelry: Proper Storage

Properly storing your jewelry can greatly enhance its condition. If you do not store your jewelry properly, it can quickly deteriorate. Here are some tips to remember:

  • Oxygen is jewelry’s number one enemy as it can oxidize your jewelry and tarnish it.
  • Store your jewelry in an airtight plastic bag to prevent oxidation. If you do store it in a ziploc bag, make sure to remove the excess air using a straw.
  • You can also use anti-tarnish strips to wrap your jewelry in.
  • When storing your jewelry make sure to avoid exposure to the sun as it can lead to discoloration.
  • As for pearls, place them face down, and do not hang them. This ensures the silk thread doesn’t wear out.
  • Another important note is to store jewelry in a jewelry case or box. This keeps dust and other particles away from it.
  • Don’t store jewelry close to one another; keep them spaced out. This prevents your jewelry from scratching against other pieces. It also helps you worry less about necklace or bracelet chains getting tangled.
  • Silica gel packets can also help absorb extra moisture to prevent tarnishing.
  • If you don’t have a jewelry case, storing your jewelry in the box it came with works too.
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Other Helpful Tips

New Jewelry

Make sure to disinfect your K-Fashion jewelry after purchase. You don’t know where other people’s hands have been when handling your recently purchased item.

You can easily disinfect jewelry by boiling it in a pot on the stove for 30 minutes and drying it thoroughly. Don’t forget to store it properly!

Design Intentions

Some jewelry pieces are meant to change color and gain character over time. For example some jewelry is designed to patina, the green film on copper or bronze, over time. In this case, avoid polishing these pieces.

Close the Drains

While this may seem like a no-brainer, it is an important reminder. When you are changing your jewelry or adjusting it, always make sure that your sink drain is closed so that your jewelry doesn't slip to the drain accidentally.

How to Clean Sterling Silver

Has your silver jewelry gotten darker in color since wearing it? Here is a quick tip on how to make your silver jewelry brighter. Make sure that your jewelry is sterling silver or else it could greatly affect your jewelry.

  • Soak your jewelry in a bowl of distilled white vinegar and a couple tablespoons of baking soda for three hours. Remove the jewelry, rinse, and if needed, polish.
  • Alternatively, you can put boiling water into a bowl and add a spoonful of salt. Place a piece of aluminum foil into the bowl and your silver jewelry. Wait 30 minutes, rinse, then dry.

How to Clean Brass Jewelry

  1. Pour one cup of water into a glass or plastic container
  2. Add lemon juice from a bottle or a freshly cut lemon.
  3. Add a little bit of salt and stir to dissolve.
  4. Place your brass in the solution and let it soak for a few minutes.
  5. Note: Keep your eye on your brass so you can take it out as soon as it is as shiny as you want it to be!
  6. Rinse off your jewelry and dry completely.

NOTE: Brass retains water spots – so always dry it immediately!

Alternatively, you can cut a lemon in half and sprinkle some salt on top of it. then rub it over the brass. Continue to step Five and Six!

Keep your K-Fashion Jewelry Lasting Long

K-Fashion jewelry pieces are an important fashion statement that can heighten a basic outfit. We hope these tips will help you to maintain the lifespan of your jewelry.

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