Pepero Flavors Based on Your Mood

As Pepero day (a Korean tradition of gifting Pepero to a loved one) gets closer and closer, it's hard to choose the perfect flavor for your loved one. Whether you're feeling mad or glad, a snack will always cheer anyone up. Here's a list of Pepero flavors you can share with your loved ones based off of the three most common moods.


When you're angry, nothing seems to help you cool off. Your world is flipped and you're just trying to avoid conflict. To cool off, try a box of Almond Chocolate Pepero sticks- a delcious cookie covered in chocolate and topped with crushed almonds! Don't hesitate to grab a second box; it's a great form of relaxation when stress is around the corner.


No matter what sad occasion you’re facing, your heart may yearn for a fulfilling chocolatey snack. Don't be afraid to splurge on delicious Pepero snacks. As tears stream down your face, don't be afraid to try a Double Dip Cherry Blossom Pepero!


Happiness is contagious, something that can be easily spread. When you're happy and a smile fills your face from ear to ear, one thing is clear. A White Cookie Pepero fills your heart with an intense warmth unlike any other. Indulge in a box, or four! You'll discover an ultimate version of cookies n cream in this box!


After a long day or a sleepless night, don't fret. Lotte is here to help! Try the choco cookie pepero to wake you up with a sugar rush. It's a great sweet to pair with your morning coffee. You'll definitely wake easily and maintain a happy face throughout the day.

After cheering up, don't forget to share a box with friends and family! After all, sharing is caring. Happy snacking!

Has this got you craving Pepero? Don't worry, we've got you covered with our limited edition and one-time box Pepero Day edition! Click here to order yours!

Want to give Korean snacks a try? Go to and order your box of happiness!

Written by Rebeca A.

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