Putting the Seoul in Comic-Con

We’ve all heard of the famous San Diego Comic-Con, an event many of us have either had the pleasure of attending or wish to attend. Did you know they held one in South Korea as well? Yes, everything you love about this convention—movies, games, cartoons, and animation—all right there in Seoul at the COEX Convention Center from August 2-4.

Comic-Con Seoul has become an annual event since the first launching in 2017, and has been a huge hit ever since. Now, we know what you’re thinking: "Am I going to get the classic Comic-Con that the world knows and loves?" We can reassure you, you will! You can still see the celebrities, get some autographs and photos (maybe a high-five), and see them interviewed on stage. You can still purchase comics and try out some cool game equipment, and you can still see a plethora of independent artists, including your favourite webtoon artists, who attend showcasing their talent.

You’ll be glad to know that you can experience the cultural joys of your trip to Seoul, while also having the opportunity to attend such a huge and passion-filled event. Cosplay as your favourite characters! Admire the artworks. See your favourite actors and creators. Just have fun!

If you’re a bit worried that you’ll be wandering around aimlessly for most of the day, there is no need! There are multiple areas at this event, meaning no one will be lost for things to do. For example, they have the Silent Cinema, where visitors are able to watch as many movies or dramas as they like with headphones that are provided. There’s DJ Time for all of you who just can’t get enough of listening to tunes as the music flows through your body, and there are Company Booths available, too, so you can purchase some of your favourite merchandise. Maybe you need something to occupy your mind? In that case, you can check out the Free Play Zone and immerse yourself in battles against both local and international players.

Of course, these are just a few of the abundance of activities that are available for all of the loving and passionate fans out there. If you ever get the chance, why not pop in Comic-Con Seoul and have a look around? You won’t be disappointed!

Let us know in the comments if you attended this year or any of the previous years, and what you thought of it!

Written by Nicole Simpkin

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