Tiffany: Being a Daebak Global Intern + Data Science Student

When you think of a Data Science student, what do you think of? Computers? Coding? What about Daebak? Just a couple of months ago, I would’ve never expected to love being a Daebak Global Intern so much.

My name’s Tiffany and I’m a sophomore at UC Berkeley. I first decided to apply to join the Daebak Company because I was interested in Korean Culture and because I was looking for an internship that seemed genuinely fun. Though many adults will tell you that it’s crucial you are constantly looking or working for a big tech company as a computer/data science student, I say that (yes) those internships are important, but experiences at a smaller company with a tight-knit community is a valuable experience you have to go through before graduating college. When I first met Howard, the CEO, I immediately knew that I wanted to be a part of the company; As he showed me that I would have a great time as a Daebak intern. Little did I know that this internship would result in me meeting several amazing colleagues, developing product videos (that I’m honestly very proud of), and having fun writing creative blog articles for Daebak Magazine.

As I mentioned in the last paragraph, as an intern, you are tasked with a variety of jobs; Including producing video content and writing blog articles. Though these tasks may not seem glamorous, I assure you that they are so much more fun and fulfilling than you realize! I was able to think creatively and be the director of my own productions and deciding what content best represented my vision. I worked alone on the assignments, but all the Daebak peers were great supporters as everyone was always willing to help me and answer questions. Plus, the work is totally manageable! Despite all the work I had to do for my classes and school extracurriculars, I was always able to submit work I was proud of. If I can do it, I know that you can!

While interning at Daebak, I learned a variety of valuable skills; Such as, time management, content creation, and even marketing. When trying to balance school, extracurriculars, a social life, and Daebak, time management is a must because it’s crucial to submit work on time. In any company, even as an intern, the work you produce affects others — so if you’re late and thus delay others, you affect the company workflow. In order to manage my time efficiently, I always allocated a weekly time period to focus on Daebak. This schedule held me accountable, allowing me to finish everything I wanted to. Additionally, when creating content, I accumulated knowledge on marketing. Because a lot of the content we created was related to a Daebak campaign or product for marketing purposes, we were able to work with Daebak’s marketing team. While working with them, I was able to see their vision and see what a successful marketing campaign looked like. Even though I wasn’t directly involved with the team, contributing and working alongside them actually served as valuable marketing experience.

At this point of the article, I think you see why I strongly encourage you to be a Daebak Intern! All the skills you’ll gain from this internship are worth joining — trust me! The experience I had this semester is one that I’ll always remember because I was provided with the great opportunity to produce meaningful work that was actually able to be implemented. I mean just look at the blog articles on Daebak Magazine that I’ve written or the Instagram videos on the @daebakbox and @snack.fever accounts that I’ve created haha! If you’re looking for such an opportunity, Daebak is the place for you!

Even if you are just slightly interested right now, I strongly encourage you to apply and try it out! I really hope you are able to have the great experience I had. I better see your name in the next Daebak Intern introductions blog article! :)

Goodbye Daebak-Fam! Hope to see you again — maybe as the next Daebak Global intern.

Written by Tiffany

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