Top 5 Pepero Treats You Gotta Try!

Pepero Day is fast approaching, and whether you’re spending this lovely day with your sweetheart or forever in your lonesome, we at SnackFever don't want to miss a chance to show you flavors you need to try out.

Below are a list of snacks, both old and new that you MUST try. Let us know how they taste when you do. Tag us on instagram using the hashtag #SnackFever and #SnackFeverFam

1. Cherry Double Dip Pepero

Not only is this delicious treat made up with chocolate, but its made with cherry flavoured chocolate? The sweet taste of cherry and chocolate?! Who wouldn't want to try this!

2. Sweet Potato Pepero
Okay, I know what you’re thinking... Sweet Potato? How does this work?
Well, Lotte has done the unthinkable and made it work well.

3. Nude Cheese Pepero
For all the cheese lovers out there, rejoice! Lotte’s got you covered with their take on Cheese mixed with Pepero!

4. Cookies and Cream Pepero
Who doesn’t love a classic cookies and cream? Oreo lovers, these are for you... Definitely check out this classic and very popular treat!

5. Almond Pepero

Chocolate and nuts go together like yin and yang. Here, chocolate and almond covered pepero are the calming treat you need this upcoming Pepero day!

Not only can you grab these tasty treats for that special someone, you can also get them for yourself! Enjoy yourself this coming Pepero Day!

Has this got you craving Pepero? Don't worry, we've got you covered with our limited edition and one-time box Pepero Day edition! Click here to order yours!

Written by Maegs

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