Traditional Korean Snacks

Some traditional Korean snacks such as rice cakes and confectioneries are not only appetizing but have also played a significant part in Korean cuisine. From joyous occasions such as birthdays and weddings to the solemn memorial services, these foods are highlighted.

With there being over 200 variations of rice cakes in Korea, it’s obvious that they play a special role.

For example, they are consumed when praying for good health, and on holidays to demonstrate respect for their forefathers. Rice cakes can range from a highly refined version with various colors and shapes using a wide variety of enhancements such as fruits and nuts to plain a plain white rice cake that is used at home for cooking.

Bukkumi is a traditional dessert that is a pan-fried rice cake is filled with a sweet red bean paste. There are also other fillings you can use such as toasted, and ground sesame seeds with sugar or honey. Its shape is that of a half-moon and the color can vary from dark green to yellow, to white. When finishing this rice cake it is common to coat it with honey and decorate it with shredded chestnuts.

Hangwa is the traditional confectionery or candy that is made from a combination of flour, honey, and sugar. There really is no end to the different variety of sweets as they can range with flavors, textures, and shapes. Some forms of this sweet are used in traditional ceremonies such as ancestral rites and weddings. Though it is considered a traditional snack most coffee shops and tea houses in South Korea serve this sweet candy.

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