5 Most Beautiful Korean Flowers to See This Spring

Flowers are the pinnacle of any beautiful scenery, especially during spring. The colors, shapes, and sizes portray beauty in many exciting and intriguing ways. Korean flowers are the ones to look forward to in the season of bloom.

5 Most Beautiful Korean Flowers to See This Spring

When you walk past one stunning flower, you can't help but stop and take a photo. Wouldn't it be nice to know what these flowers were called? While we can't cover every flower of Korea , next time you see one of these, you'll be able to name it! Discover some of the most beautiful Korean flowers' names and more!

#1 Hibiscus Syriacus

The national flower of South Korea, known as mugunghwa , blooms throughout August and usually lasts a few weeks. These pretty South Korean flowers hold the colors of a gentle light pink on the large part of their petals with a spot of a darker pink in the center, creating an ombre effect. If you visit Korea in the summer , you know what to look for!

#2 Forsythia Koreana

A vivid yellow stands out in a field in the distance. What may this Korean flower be? It's so bright, and the shape is so intriguing. Forsythia Koreana, also known as the Korean golden bell tree, blooms in the year's colder months from around late January to March and usually lasts for a few weeks.

#3 Korean Pulsatilla

These native Korean flowers are truly fascinating! The shape looks like something out of a fantasy movie. Pulsatilla is a perennial herb and one of the Korean native flowers that can also be used as traditional herbal medicine.

#4 Corylopsis Korean

Maybe you know these Korean plants and flowers by their more popular name—winter hazel, a tree covered in pretty little blossoms fairly spread along its branches. The soft yellow that colors these flowers makes them seem perfectly calming, and if you find one, great for some Instagram photos. These Korean flowers are native to Asia and North America, so if you think you’ve seen one of these before, you might have!

#5 Cherry Blossoms

We're sure everyone knows this one. The famous cherry blossoms, with beautiful light pink petals, bloom in the spring and are displayed all over the country, along the streets, and in parks . When they're in bloom, there are even festivals dedicated to them! Walking under cherry blossoms is one of the most peaceful things to do, so the next time you're in Korea during spring, take a chill stroll through some gorgeous trees.

Have you taken any photos of or with any of these Korean flowers? Or some others that you discovered on your last trip to Korea. Feel free to show them to us in the comments!

Written by Nicole Simpkin

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