K-Pop Artists Who Could Pass Off as Real Life Chefs

K-Pop idols have a lot to juggle in their current careers, but something that they all share is their undying love for food. While some idols may go out of their way to cook for themselves or their members and fail the task completely, a.k.a Jay Park forgetting to turn on the rice cooker when cooking with 2PM, to put it mildly; others excel and can even give chefs a run for their money.

Fei- Miss A

It’s easy to see why Fei made the top of this list. As a former finalist on Master Chef Korea- Celebrity, she is extremely comfortable behind the stove and cutting board. Fei has made simple dishes such as Chicken Rice to more fun dishes such as the desert featured in the video below!

Henry Lau

Henry Lau never falls short when it comes to the number talented things he can do. He has proven himself as a successful musician and idol, but he can also wield a sharp knife in the kitchen as well. Henry was also featured in Master Chef Korea- Celebrity. In episode one he wowed the judges with his flambeing skills, and in the show “I Live Alone,” Henry created a delicious looking Chinese style omelet that even he was blown away by.

Kim Jaejoong- JYJ

As if he isn’t a piece of art himself, Jaejoong can cook too? Of course he can! Kim Jaejoong of the group JYJ is known to wow audiences by cooking up spectacular meals. He said that he’s usually in the kitchen cooking Korean meals on the regular and always makes sure it looks beautiful!

Here’s a tasty looking video straight from Jaejoong’s Instagram!

Amber- f(x)

Amber is best known for her role as the rapper of girl group f(x) and of course her witty llama remarks with SHINee’s Minho, but did you know she is a culinary master? Of course, she likes to tease her manager with foods that don’t always taste the best, but Amber proved on the show “I Live Alone” that even cooking in a restaurant is no problem!

Jin- BTS

Worldwide handsome vs cooking king? I see no difference when it comes to BTS’s Jin. Take a look at how Jin has no problems separating an egg and completing his task of creating a square egg in the show “Idol Cooking King.” Towards the end of the video, we can see that he cooked the yolks and the egg whites separate and plated them in a way that makes them look beautiful and complimentary to any dish they could be served with.

Honorable mention of the evening:

It’s not easy being an idol and a chef at the same time. It can actually cause a little bit of havoc in the kitchen. This is especially true when you throw two idols who can’t cook at all in the kitchen and ask them to make a meal for someone else.

Here’s a fun video of VIXX’s maknae line Hongbin and Hyuk attempting to cook kimchi fried rice for their manager on the V Live App. Let’s just say it’s more of a battle of who’s dish is less bad?

Cooking is fun when you’ve got people to share it with. As Julia Child once said, “No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.” So let's all pick up a pot or pan and hit the stove!

*Video Credits: jypentertainment, MBCentertainment, TV-People, Madina Park

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