Top 5 Korean Cafes you MUST GO

Do you love coffee? Do you love cute cakes and dessert? Well Korea has it for you. Come check out these five Korean cafes that you must visit!

Sulbing Cafe

Is a chain that serves shaved ice and snacks! Located pretty much everywhere around Korea. You absolutely cannot miss it! Sulbing has its standard shaved ice as well as their seasonal shaved ice depending on what fruits are in season during that time.

Stylenanada Pink Pool Cafe (Mapo-gu)

This chic cafe is located on top of a retail store that sells fashion products and makeup! Pink Pool Café is literally what it’s known for! Its PINK and there’s a POOL!

OH, Range ( Mapo-gu)

This cafe is definitely cute but also hidden. Located on the third floor of a building tucked away in an alley, this cafe is one that you shouldn’t miss. There is limited seating, but the food and drinks are the cutest!

Oh My Butter (Mapo-gu)

Located on a corner between two street this cafe is aesthetically pleasing with pastel pastries and drinks and a white interior to make each pastries pop. This cafe is also small but can fit many people in it.

Un’icon (Mapo-gu)

This cafe is run by a single owner that also vlog youtube videos where he shows a daily life of a cafe owner and barista. He is known for his colorful latte and its sweet jelly of redbean. This cafe is minimalistic at its finest. Everything is white with pops of color.

Well, there you have it! Top 5 Korean Cafes you must visit! Form minimalistic interior design to colorful drinks and snacks. These are the cafes that you must visit no matter what!

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