The World United through Food: Two Sizes Tiramisu

Food brings the world together. That’s the great thing about restaurants; some do their best to bring food from another country or culture to their home so others don’t have to travel to get a taste. That’s exactly what the owner of Two Sizes in Hongdae, Joseph Kim, did.

He loved the food and taste from the original Two Sizes shop in Rome, Italy and worked to open his own branch of the store in Korea, which recently opened in July 2019. They bring in ingredients and make things the same way as the original store to capture the essence of Rome. Let’s take a closer look at the shop and their tasty options.

Two Sizes is a medium-sized shop with counter and table seating. Its simplistic atmosphere is perfect for relaxing while enjoying your food. By the back counter, you can find a cute corner with books and toys to pass the time. By the front counter, there is a refrigerator with a few flavors of their tiramisu inside.

Their tiramisu comes in “two sizes,” small and big. You can get your tiramisu in different flavors, a very simple list to keep it classic. They come in original (coffee), strawberry, peanut butter, pistachio, and chocolate. They are served in cute little cups that imitate coffee mugs. On top of each dessert is your usual cocoa powder, with a dollop of extra from the inside. The chocolate tiramisu has a few chocolate shavings on top, and the pistachio has a few pieces of the seed.

A nice dish needs something to wash it down with. Their drinks come in most of your cafe classics, specializing in teas and espresso beverages. If you like tea, they have earl grey, chamomile, English breakfast, and peppermint teas. If you aren’t a coffee or tea person, you can also get juice or water. Their plain espresso can be ordered in hot or cold.

It’s important to spread cultures in a respectful way. Sharing your experiences in such a big way is amazing and to spread it through food is a way everyone can enjoy it. It creates memories, even if you can’t travel and are staying local, even if it’s at home. Joseph Kim did his best to respect the original store by keeping as much the same, even while being on a different continent. He wanted to provide the same taste and give everyone great memories. We want to know: what is one of your favorite memories created by food?

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Written by Chey Olexa

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