Show Your Love through Chocolate on White Day 🍫

It’s that time of year again when you get to shower your significant other with cards, flowers, and of course, chocolates! If you live in Japan, Taiwan, China, South Korea, or Vietnam; you’ll be celebrating White Day fairly soon on March 14, falling exactly a month after Valentine’s Day.

White Day was started in Japan 1978 and is considered to be a "reply day" to Valentine's Day urging men to repay the favor to the women who presented them chocolates and other gifts the month prior on Valentine's Day.

When it comes to gifts, some men follow the “Rule of Three,” in which the gift is approximately three times the amount of the gift he was given on Valentine’s Day. Though this rule is not widely practiced or expected, some still use it as an estimate of gifting.

Make sure not to get your “giri” and “honmei” gifts mixed up! While giri-choco is given to colleagues, family, friends, or teachers; honmei-choco is saved for a romantic companion or a person one wishes to be with.

Need some ideas on what to get your significant other for White Day?

Here are some boxes that are sure to make your significant other smile:

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