Official Notice for 2022 Winter Daebak Box

To our valued Daebak family and subscribers:

Thank you very much for your continued support for The Daebak Company.

We appreciate your patience with the delays from our 2022 Fall Box, and we ask again for your continued understanding of our 2022 Winter Box.

We are working on getting the best authentic Korean items for our Winter Box. For that reason, we partnered with local businesses. The manufacturing and delivery delays have pushed back our scheduled delivery time for our Winter Box.

We are truly grateful for being with us since the beginning of our journey and we only wish to deliver the best of Korea to YOU! For this season, we have partnered with one of the top brands in Korea as a sponsor - which would give us more room to include valuable and loved items.

To make up for this delay, we are offering a $10 gift card as our token of appreciation for your continued support and patience. We hope to provide you with the most daebak seasonal Korean box experience with the changes we will implement.

We will notify you once we send the Winter Boxes to The Daebak Company’s SNS accounts and website.

Thank you so much. We, Team Daebak, are always proud of serving the best customers.

Very Respectfully,

Howard Cho

CEO of Daebak Company & All Staff from Team Daebak

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