Who are 2IDIOTS? A Look Into an Idol Pair's YouTube Takeoff

You may know N.Flying from their classic hits “Awesome” and “Hot Potato,” or perhaps from their more recent music-show-winning “Rooftop.” Well, AOA’s uniquely talented juniors are quickly making themselves known on a brand new stage—the YouTube charts! Cha Hun and Jaehyun, N.Flying’s guitarist and drummer, respectively, have recently gained popularity for their homegrown channel 두얼간이(du-al-gan-i, 2IDIOTS). The pair uploaded their first video back in September 2018, but have already surpassed 100,000 subscribers, earning a silver play button from YouTube. Their channel explores dance classes, nail art, yoga, international snacks, challenges, and so much more. Here are a few of our favorite videos to help you kick off your summer break with some A+ binge-worthy content!

Let’s all give a round of applause for their incredible effort in this video...good try, guys! Hun and Jaehyun attempt to channel their inner yogi, and they do a pretty decent job considering their lack of practice. We truly appreciate the physical sacrifices that they made in the name of comedy.

In a continuation of the channel’s dance saga, fellow N.Flying member SeungHyub makes an appearance to help “teach” us a few popular dance moves with 2IDIOTS. They cover everything from Fortnite dances to the original floss. In the wise words of Cha Hun, we now have...3 idiots!

Hun and Jaehyun, along with N.Flying’s manager, challenge each other to a silent eating competition, but with a twist! The challenge includes iced coffee, cold noodles, ice cream... and takes place in the bitter winter outdoors. With each audible slurp they have to remove another layer of clothing (don’t worry, they came prepared with plenty of jackets and sweaters), succumbing to the freezing cold February wind. Don’t try this at home!

2IDIOTS (feat. manager) partake in the ultimate cheat day in this fry-fest. The boys deep fry foods that should definitely never touch oil, but you may be shocked at some of the results! They throw in some much-appreciated ASMR for added entertainment, a common theme throughout their food-focused videos. We’re still thinking about that fried Nutella…

The boys try yoga again in this video, but this time it’s in the air! Thankfully, they brought in an expert—who doesn’t hesitate to share her thoughts about their skills. This activity definitely didn’t look easy, but they did an incredible job. Have you ever tried aerial yoga?

We hope you enjoyed falling into the black hole of 2IDIOTS content as much as we did! Check out N.Flying’s music down below, and let us know in the comments if you have any other Idol-YouTuber suggestions. All is well!

Written by Abby Kotar

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