The Fantastic World of Korean Pizza

Everyone knows and loves pizza, right? Who doesn't? Pizza is the same around the world, with the occasional weird or unique topping, so it seems. Sadly, we aren't typically very adventurous with pizza toppings; however, in Korea, they're very, very adventurous with what they put on their pies. They don't stray from weird combinations of fruits, vegetables or sauces that you'd never think of putting on a crust, and have even revolutionized the form of a traditional pizza.

A popular form is the so-called "spoon pizza," which is essentially pizza toppings baked in a skillet without the dough. When ordering at a restaurant, you might receive a few slices of bread that you can dip into the delicious mass of toppings, but otherwise you—as the name suggests—just spoon the pizza. Sounds weird, but is the ultimate comfort food that you can also try at home!

So, what are the weird toppings that we’d never dream of putting on our pizzas? (Well, maybe we have, but weren’t brave enough.) Nothing is impossible! Well, almost. From bulgogi to kimchi, nearly every Korean food can be combined with pizza. Any type of seafood on pizza? Check. Omelets? Check. Potato wedges? Check. Or how about trying new sauces like a gochujang-sauce? Or even ranch with wasabi?

We all know that huge pizza with cheese crust, but what about taking it to the next next level? A popular one in Korea is sweet potato-filled pizza crust. Or how about replacing the traditional crust with mozzarella bread rolls? An egg tart crust? Crust filled with cream cheese, cranberry, or cinnamon apple?

Love pizza, but also want some dessert? Why not combine both? Who says pizza can't be sweet? Combine baked pizza dough with some sweet sauce and fruit. Or a chocolate pizza with cookies. The possibilities are endless!

Korean pizza-eating culture encourages us to try new things, so why don't we? Have you tried any pizzas in Korea? What do you think of them? Will you be trying to make some of the pizzas at home? Let us know in the comments below!

Can't get enough of pizzas? Here are some more mouthwatering articles:

Written by Tran Trieu

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