Top 5 Kpop Dance Covers

Whether you know how to dance or want to learn how to dance, come check out these top 5 Kpop dance covers!

1. Ellen & Brian

This couple has been filming both dance covers and tutorials on social media for the past years. They are amazing when it comes to learning because they provide step by step instructions, and they go at a slow pace for beginners as well. They also, teach their tutorial in a mirrored version so it is easy to learn. Even though they are a couple, they have their own individual page where they perform solo covers.

2. Susie Meow

Susie performs both girl and boy group covers as well, but with a twist. In her pieces that she performs, she adds in different outfit changes that go with each member and the music. This makes it easier for dancers to see who is performing when. On her YouTube page, she gives tutorials as well as tips and insights on how to be a better dancer and what to do. As an all-around learner, Susie is your way to go.

3. Miriya Lee

At 18 years old, Miriya is a dancer that performs both boy and girl group covers. She does these cover right in the comfort of her own home. Similarly, to Ellen and Brian, she does tutorials of her covers and teaches it slowly. He method of showing the covers is through a side by side comparison of their part she learns from the group. This is nice because it lets you see what part of the dance you like to learn more or in favor of.

4. Feng Yi

Feng Yi is a self-taught dancer meaning that he taught himself how to dance. He does both K-pop covers and freestyle covers as well. Feng Yi does not have a YouTube page or provides tutorials, but he is a motivational person that strives to takes risks in teaching himself how to dance all through the comfort of his own home. Check out his videos on Instagram with the link below!

5. You!

Last but not least, we have you! Whether you are starting to learn how to dance, or have been dancing for a while now, K-pop covers wouldn’t exist without the help of you. So, jump on your feet, learn some dance moves, and most of all, HAVE FUN!Thank you soo much for reading, I would like to give credits to everyone that I have talked about in this blog!

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