The Art of Pizza Dancing

They say cooking is kind of like a dance: the recipe is the choreography, and everything in between—the two-step to the spice cabinet, the frenzied chopping jig, the pirouette around a fellow cook—is the rhythm of the kitchen. But in Korea, cooking is literally a dance.

Restaurateurs and pizza makers from Korea’s Mr. Pizza franchise have taken to grooving with uncooked dough as a means to prepare it. Dream Team is reportedly one of the only performance teams in Korea that executes tricks using pizza dough.

Body rolls, jumps, and tosses are just a few of the moves they do, and they even hold a Guinness World Record for most over-the-shoulder dough tosses and multiple championships at the World Pizza Games—an event I didn’t realize I needed to attend until now.

Excuse me, I have to go practice some tricks for my next pizza night!

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