Meals In A Convenience Store? Korea Thinks So

When looking for a place to get your afternoon lunch or maybe even a cheap dinner to go, the local convenience store located at the corner of your neighborhood isn’t the first place you’d probably think to stop into. However, in Korea, convenience stores are exactly the place you want to be if you need food and want to save a few bucks too!

GS-25, CU, and 7-11’s are abundant throughout Korea. In fact, you can probably find one version or another on every corner in Seoul alone but did you know that these convenience stores sell more than just crackers and soda? In fact, these stores sell a multitude of food from ramen, which can be made and eaten in many stores, to bibimbap and triangle kimbap.

Spending a few dollars at these places means you can probably get yourself a three-course meal with a drink and snacks to take home as well.

This photo shows off exactly what can be purchased at a GS-25 in Korea and cost 4,900 won or approximately $5 USD. Maybe five dollars is a little steep for you. Take a trip over to 7-11 and you could shave off a dollar and still get the same amount of great tasting food as shown below! This bento box costs 4,200 won or just a little over $4 dollars.

Finally if anything, this is a must do stop when you’re in Korea. Along the Han River is a beautiful park with walkways and benches for plenty of people to enjoy. While the scenery is gorgeous, nothing tops it off like visiting the convenience store next to the river, buying ramen, cooking the ramen at that convenience store, then eating it while the sun is beginning to set on a cool summer evening. You might think I’m painting some weird image in your mind, but it’s actually possible to do this, and quite popular among the locals.

On top of having the luxury of being able to spend 2,000 won or approximately $2 USD, many businesses will deliver food to you at the river. If you’re inviting friends to join you at the river, it could easily turn into a fun evening party with ramen, beer, and of course good company.
All in all the meals that can be bought in Korea are abundant and will usually give you the best bang for your buck, however, nothing can quite compare to a quick stop in at a convenience store for a quick grab and go meal. Happy Eating~

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