Out of This World K-Pop Songs

Out of This World K-Pop Songs - The Daebak Company

The universe is an ever-growing expanse of unknown proportions that inspires countless people that inhabit it. In fact, many Korean music artists have been inspired by the universe as well. Within the works of various songs and music videos, many references can be found to celestial bodies, galaxies, and more. So, here’s a couple of song recommendations that pay homage to our vast universe and the objects within it!

  • "Half Moon" - DEAN

Elegantly opening the song with “Love, love the stars / Love, love the moon,” DEAN creates a heartfelt song that makes reference to the Earth’s favorite satellite. In the song, DEAN laments the absence of a significant other and compares himself to the titular “half-moon,” meaning that he feels incomplete without his “other half.” DEAN’s beautifully melodic voice combined with the smooth tones of Gaeko’s rapping creates a wonderfully soothing song that’s definitely worth a listen.

  • "Signal" - Twice

With a funky electro-pop vibe, Twice’s “Signal” is a song that’s sure to have you humming its melody. While the song itself largely focuses on trying to send a “signal” to a crush that goes unnoticed, the main tie to space lies in its music video. Fitting to the song’s concept, the members of Twice try to charm a dashing crush of theirs throughout the video. However, this crush is actually an alien!

"Universe" - EXO

In this soft ballad, the members of EXO beautifully weave a narrative of longing and determination to find someone they hold dear. Best encapsulating this narrative would be the line “I’ll search the universe,” describing how their desires would lead them to search the entire cosmos if it meant reaching the one that they treasure. Equally powerful and emotional, “Universe” is perhaps best enjoyed on a rainy day with a warm cup of coffee or tea while you think about your loved ones.

"Eclipse" - GOT7

In this bass-heavy title track, GOT7 describe their desire to not let their own insecurity overshadow the light that their fans give them. As a result, they wish to avoid an “eclipse” of the support that they receive. With its futuristic vibe, “Eclipse” is both a catchy bop and a self-motivational message to the boys of GOT7!

"Like That Sun" - DAY6

In this upbeat song by the band DAY6, the members compare the person of their affection to the very sun that warms the Earth. With lines describing how this person “melts their heart” and “brightens their day,” it’s easy to see the members’ appreciation for the celestial body. Not only do the members make reference to the sun, but also to Greek mythology as well, with one member describing himself as Icarus due to how attracted he is toward the sun.

"Gravity" - MONSTA X

Even the boys of MONSTA X can’t resist a good reference to the outer edges of our cosmos. In this track, the members describe a person they’re attracted to as a whole “new universe.” Not only that, but the attraction that they feel towards that person is so strong it acts like gravity, which is why the song is named after this attraction. If you love more chill and laid-back styles of music, you’ll gravitate toward this track!

While all of these songs share a common theme, they cover a variety of styles to suit whatever taste you have. Whether you’re daydreaming of outer space or trying to study stars, these South Korean songs are sure to create a nice atmosphere for any mood. Even NASA enjoys K-pop and has a couple of these artists on their official playlist as well! 

Which of these songs are you adding to your playlist? Let us know in the comments below.

Cover Image: GOT7 (JYP Entertainment)
Written by Kyle Voong

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