5 Korean Side Dishes You Need To Try

5 Korean Side Dishes You Need To Try - The Daebak Company

Side dishes aren’t made just to sit on the edge of the table while you eat the main course. They are a part of the meal, part of the experience. In Korean cuisine, Banchan (반찬) are side dishes that are usually served with rice. Banchan can come in any form, from soup to pickled bean sprouts; There are hundreds of banchan out there but here are just a few that can introduce your taste buds to an entirely new world of flavor.

The classic soybean paste stew, Doenjang-jjigae (된장찌개), is one of the most popular stews in Korea. It’s made of vegetables, seafood or pork and doenjang (된장) which is fermented soybean paste. Doenjang-jjigae can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There’s nothing better than Doenjang-jjigae on a cold day, it’s comforting and delicious; this stew gives you a piece of Korea, you can enjoy from anywhere. It’s usually a homemade dish, so for those of you who want to try making it, Mangchi has the recipe here on her blog. This savory stew is worth all the work.

If soup isn’t your kind of side dish, then there’s Gamja-jorim (감자조림), which is potatoes braised in soy sauce. All you need for this side dish are potatoes, soy sauce, dry sea kelp, and green onions. There’s no need to worry if your not an expert cook and you’re afraid about messing it up. This is one of the easier dishes to make, Holly from Beyond Kimchee explains the process in more depth here.

For those of you who liked pickled side dishes like kimchi, try Mumallaengi-muchim (무말랭이무침). These seasoned dried radish strips are slightly crunchy and taste great with just about any other dishes. You can get radish strips at any Korean grocery store and  Mumallaengi-muchim can be found at some Korean restaurants. Mangchi, queen of cooking, also has a video on how to make it if you want to give it a try.

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꼬들꼬들 #무말랭이무침 !!

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Do you want an eggcellent banchan? How about Gyeran-mari (계란말이)? This rolled up omelet is perfect for a lunchbox and it’s also a popular drinking food in Korea. You can put anything in them if you want to, things like green onions and carrots if you want something simple. Gim (김) or seaweed is another ingredient you can add to this side dish. They’re bite-sized and packed with flavor. Hyosun from Korean Bapsang has got you covered with her recipe.

For those vegetable lovers who just can’t get enough, there’s Kongnamul Muchim (콩나물 무침), also known as seasoned bean sprouts. This dish is quite common and can be found in most Korean restaurants. It can also be easily made at home with easy to follow steps. Crazy Korean Cooking can help you out on your cooking adventure with their recipe. It can be made spicy or non-spicy, it’s all up to you and your preferences.

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간단하면서 정말 맛있는 반찬! #콩나물무침 비법공개해드릴꺼에요🤗 사실 콩나물무침은 천원의 행복인데요~ 정말 맛있게 무치는 방법 알려드릴게요 기껏 했는데 콩나물풋내나서 짜증날때있죠? 누구는 뚜껑을 닫아야된다. 열어야된다. 뚜껑을 닫으려면 한번이라도 여시면 안되구요 그래서 어렵다고 생각들 하시더라구요😤 뚜껑덥지마세요! 레시피공개합니다요 #콩나물무침레시피 1. 끓는물에 소금한스푼넣고 콩나물 투하 2. 약5분간 삶는데 냄새를 계속 맡아보세요 3. 첨에는 풋내가 나는데 5분정도지나면 풋내가 안나는 순간이 옵니다. 4. 그때 건져서 찬물에 빠르게 식혀주세요 5. 물기빠지게 채에 올려두시구요 6. 물기빠지면 양념뿌리세요 *양념레시피 고춧가루 2-3스푼. 다진마늘 1스푼. 액젖 1스푼. 참기름 반스푼. 채썬대파 1-2스푼. 새우젓반스푼. 통깨 반스푼. 7. 살살 섞어주면 완성! 콩나물 천원어치기준이에요 간보시면서 하시면 정말 맛있게 한번 드실거에요 아시죠? 콩나물무침은 듬북 집어서 밥하고 드시면 완전 맛있다는거😋 . . . #요리하는아빠 #비법공개 #새우젓 #비빔밥에도딱! #반찬스타그램 #홈쿡 #집밥 #우리집저녁 #맛의고수비법 #아빠요리

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With so many side dishes, the possibilities are endless. Do yourself a favor and try them out; make them, buy them or try them at a restaurant. Whatever you choose you won’t be disappointed.  

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