Changes to Daebak Box Subscription Renewal Dates: What You Need to Know

changes to daebak box subscription renewal dates

As part of The Daebak Co.'s commitment to providing you the best possible service, we are adjusting the renewal schedule for both Seasonal and Annual Daebak Box subscribers

Here's what you need to know about the upcoming changes to our subscription renewal dates.

Renewal Date Changes for Seasonal Subscribers

For those of you who subscribe seasonally, please be aware that instead of renewing next month for Winter 2023, your renewal date will now be in January 2024.

Renewal Date Changes for Annual Subscribers

For our annual subscribers, there will be a change in billing dates as well.

If your annual renewal is scheduled for Spring 2024 with a billing date in February 2024, we are shifting it to March 2024.

This adjustment is aimed at ensuring a smoother process for all our Daebak Box subscribers. We understand that changes to billing dates can impact your budgeting and planning, and we want to assure you that these adjustments are made with careful consideration to minimize any inconvenience. 

If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team at

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