Meet the Daebak Interns!

Meet the Daebak Interns! - The Daebak Company

Hi Daebak Fam, 

This season we have a new wave of interns that we would like to introduce to you all. Like you we are all fans of Korean culture and we strive to provide you with information about what's happening in Korea and keep you updated with Korean pop culture. Each one of us has a different aspect of Korean culture that we like to follow the most, so together we make sure that we give you a well-rounded snapshot of Korea!


Hi! My name is Wik, and I was born and raised in Poland, although I now study and live in the UK. I'm pretty sure my first interaction with Korean culture was BANG BANG BANG by BIGBANG, but it wasn't until a few years later that I started getting immersed in the culture! Korean cinema was the thing that brought me over the edge, Park Chan-wook's The Handmaiden deserving a special shout-out! 

I have come to Seoul for a year abroad in August 2020, loving every single thing the city has to offer - watching the skyline from Namsan Tower on Chuseok is one of the fondest memories I have! 
I applied to Daebak after hearing a lot about the company from a friend who was an intern - the opportunity to explore Korea further and the team seemed so wonderful I could not resist :))


Hello Daebak Fam!

My name is Alexa Erazo, a Latin American currently based in New York. I fell in love with Korean culture after watching the hit drama “Boys Over Flowers” in 2009. My siblings and I have been so passionate about Korean culture that I must say this started it all. Over the years I became more passionate while getting more involved. Studying Hangul, trying to make Kimchi and of course K-pop. I became a fan of BTS shortly after the pandemic started and have watched their story from the beginning of their career up to now all thanks to Youtube and ARMY who is always eager to share BTS’s beautiful story. Over time, I met Koreans residing in the US who enjoyed answering all of my questions, and one day I decided to make a move to Jeju Island. Unfortunately, restrictions became really heavy with the pandemic so that has been postponed for the upcoming years.

In 2021-2022 my most sincere hopes are to be able to visit and ride Seoul’s Metropolitan Subway. I would like to have street food such as Tteokbokki, Odeng, Pajeon and Kimbap and dress in Hanbok. While surfing the media I came across Daebak and just thought to reach out to them but was not expecting to be here writing to you all. It is an honor and a dream for me, it has been the most rewarding experience and Daebak makes me feel closer to Korea and Korean culture. I hope that everybody who is wishing to hold a bit of this amazing culture can do so by staying connected with the Daebak family and accessing the products that our company offers. Thank you Daebak family, stay healthy.


Hello! My name is Erin Cho and I am from New Jersey in the US but I go to college at the University of Florida. Go Gators!

I remember the exact moment when I was 8 years old and first heard Gee play on my grandparent’s TV and from that second on I was hooked. From then on, I was a hardcore second generation K-pop group fan, listening to SNSD, Kara, T-ara, 2PM, Beast and more. Also my parents would always watch a lot of Korean entertainment shows which made me find the show Running Man and from the first episode till now, I can say that I have been a loyal fan for over 10 years. When it comes to Korean dramas, I truly don’t remember the first drama that changed my life forever and created the K-drama obsession monster I am today. I enjoy all genres of K-dramas but if I had to recommend my favorite ones it would have to be Fight for My Way, Scarlet Heart Ryeo, and Prison Playbook!

This is my third time visiting Korea. Once when I was five, barely remembering anything because I was so young, and the second time being just three years ago with my parents for my high school graduation gift. However, I feel that I didn’t get to enjoy Korea as much 3 years ago because I had to constantly be with my parents. This trip I am here with my cousin for a couple months while doing study abroad at Yonsei University and will take every chance I get to fully experience all Korea has in store for me! My most memorable moment has to be the time I watched a live pre-recording of Twice at KBS because my dad’s old college friend used to work at KBS. It was a truly unforgettable moment seeing Twice perform “Dance the Night Away” right in front of my eyes and experiencing how loud fan chants really are.

I chose Daebak because I wanted to be able to fully have the Korean experience while meeting amazing people to work with. I am so so so happy to be apart of the team and can’t wait to make even greater memories with the Daebak team while also being able to experience all of Korea!




Hi I’m Lara and I am from a small island off of Queensland, Australia.

I went on a spontaneous trip to Korea with my friend back in 2019, and it ended up being the best trip of my life! I used to live in Beijing as a child, and Seoul reminded me of all the great parts of China as well as exciting new aspects of big cities that I love. Ever since then my headphones have been filled with K-pop, my TV streaming K-dramas and I have to say my skin and wardrobe have definitely improved 

I have been to Korea twice, once for my 14th birthday (although I don’t remember the trip too well), and then again in 2019. Honestly everything about my recent trip was so memorable! Every day something exciting happened, and there was never a dull moment. The people were always so nice and willing to help if we were lost or unsure of anything, the different districts each had their own charm, the food was INSANE, the shopping was addictive, and the overall feeling of the city was so exciting/welcoming at the same time!

When I go back, I really want to get into everyday life as a young adult in Korea, and truly know what it feels like to live in Seoul. I would hang out in the trendy university student areas in Hongdae, save up and get an expensive dinner once a month in Gangnam, decorate my apartment with unique antiques from Itaewon and in my time off I would explore the wonders of Busan, Jeju Island, etc.

As I had decided to go live in Korea after I finished my degree, I was looking online for different potential jobs or internships in Seoul. I came across Daebak and instantly knew that I wanted to be a part of the team. It incorporated everything I love: creating content, writing, Korean culture, an exciting work team and it was located in Hongdae. All that’s left is to get over there!


My name is Sofia Gonzalez Sanchez. I am from Madrid, Spain. I am currently in my fourth year of college studying Digital Business and Marketing.

Just before we went into lockdown in Spain because of COVID-19 I found out that I got Korea as my destiny for my year abroad. At that moment I did not know anything about Korea or its culture. During lockdown, I started doing some research and I immediately fell in love with BTS. I also started studying Korean starting from how to read and write Hangul.

Currently, I have already been living in Korea for 8 months and I love the food (my favorite dishes are bibimbap and Dakgalbi), the music (I started from BTS and then I got into other groups like Stray Kids, Ateez, Monsta X, etc.) and K-culture in general. I keep learning new things every day.

My most memorable moments here were probably all the trips to the different Korean cities that I have done with my friends. Especially the first time we visited Seoul it impacted me the contrast between modern and traditional buildings.

I chose Daebak to do my internship because I looked into the company’s website and Instagram and saw that it is young and fun. Its mission is to promote Korean culture to the world and allow people like me who love it to obtain their favorite Korean products and merch. Therefore, I thought I could fit well into the company and would be a great learning experience.


Hello, everyone. My name is Olivia, but friends call me Liv.

I am originally from Poland but I currently live in the US. That might change soon as I’m planning to move to Seoul!

K-pop peaked my interest for Korean culture at first. I listened to this genre without knowing what it was (Gangnam Style by PSY and Fantastic Baby by BIGBANG comes to mind). Once I looked into it and realized there are a bunch of other groups/artists I became more involved with Korean pop culture. It introduced me to Korean TV shows, dramas, movies, and the language! 

I visited Korea in August 2020 as an exchange student. I was there for 5 months as I extended my stay by a month since I fell in love with the city of Seoul. It’s hard for me to pick just one memorable moment. In general, I loved going to local coffee shops so whenever I had a chance to do that and explore the city I would say is a memorable moment.

I chose The Daebak Company because of the message and purpose is what caught my attention first as a Instagram follower. Even though I am not ethnically Korean, I try to educate my family and friends on Korean history and culture. Daebak offers just that through boxes and social media content. It helps you bring a bit of Korea into your home and what better way to learn about a culture than with snacks, goodies, and fun quizzes!



Hello, my name is Donna and I am from San Diego, CA. I recently made the move to Dongtan, South Korea to work as an English teacher. 

I have always been interested in makeup and beauty and actually worked as a makeup artist for a while so what lead me to Korean culture was K-beauty! I was first interested in Korean Beauty because I loved the way 2NE1 and f(x) had their makeup done in their music videos specifically. Of course, after watching the cool styles of these videos I started to LOVE K-pop. What really reeled me in was Taeyang's song, "Wedding Dress". 

I have visited Seoul before making the decision to move and live here and I don't regret the decision at all. My most memorable moments were shopping for K-beauty products in Myeongdong and Namsan Tower (the views were INCREDIBLE) but overall I loved the vibe in Seoul.

I was a subscriber of the Daebak Box before I was an intern and I just loved how they were spreading knowledge of Korean culture through their products. When I saw that there was a chance to join in and help do the same I was all in! Hope you enjoy all the content that is being put out <3


Thank you for reading about the DAEBAK INTERNS :D

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