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Feel Old Yet? Maybe It’s The Tteokguk - The Daebak Company
Have you ever wondered how your idols spend their Korean New Year’s Day? For the Korean New Year, people have at least one thing in common: they have at least one bowl of tteokguk, also known as rice cake soup.
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7 Unique Milk Flavors From 7-Eleven - The Daebak Company
We all know about the banana milk craze in South Korea, but did you know about 7-Eleven's label, 7 Select? In Korea, 7-Eleven also makes very delicious and unique flavors of milk other than the generic flavors of Strawberry, Chocolate, Coffee, and Banana.
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5 Unique Teas Found in Korea - The Daebak Company
In Korea, tea is taken up a notch! With there being an infinite number of tea shops and cafes popping up in various places, it’s hard to deny the popularity of the drink.
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