Welcome to The World of Dave

Welcome to The World of Dave - The Daebak Company

Foreigners living in other countries like to create content about their experiences for as long as YouTube has been around. These types of channels help others understand what it would be like for them if they too were to travel or live abroad. However, these videos may just scratch the surface of what the YouTubers can really get into about living away from their home country. Dave from the YouTube channel The World of Dave has created a name for himself in the social networking community of South Korea and is a well-known internet figure for his relatable videos that are spoken in almost entirely Korean.

Dave Levene is from Atlanta, Georgia and moved to South Korea in 2008. He had been on some television shows, one being Hello Stranger, starting in 2014. During that time he also began his channel own with short, relatable videos about life and living in Korea. However, the titles were in Korean as were the subtitles and speech. It wasn’t until a year later he began to create content that focused on language differences between countries, with his friends as examples and has since expanded to other video subjects. 

The World of Dave truly has a wide variety of content that spans across many countries. He highlights cultural and language differences while still showing how they can relate to one another. No matter how serious or silly the context is, you are bound to learn something new about not only Korea but other countries as well. A newer example, which also happens to be one of his most viewed videos is Dave [English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese Pronunciation Difference 3]. There are also playlists he created that capture the different videos he makes. You can view playlists for interviews, pronunciation differences, and more.

What’s interesting about Dave’s channel is how he speaks in Korean for every episode. Since he has been living in Korea for so long, he is fluent in the language. There aren’t many foreign YouTubers speaking Korean for their videos, which makes him stand-out and memorable to all those watching. This aspect of his channel catches the attention of many Koreans. With both Korea and English, Dave makes it possible to learn Korean.

The World of Dave is geared more towards a Korean audience, but what can be seen is a great integration of culture, wherein Dave talks mostly in Korean throughout the video, giving subtitles in both the spoken language and its translations in English. What Dave has done is mix Korean and American cultures together, creating a unity between the two. Viewers can see the things they may or may not have in common with each other. This also gives viewers a look into the way in which certain cultural customs differ.

His friends come from all over the world. Those who appear frequently in his language videos are Vai from Taiwan, Erina from Japan, and Jaein from South Korea. Erina and Vai are YouTubers as well, and post videos about their own experiences while living in Korea. No longer is it just the western perspective, but the experience of those living in other countries within Asia. These include Russia, Italy, and Spain!

After his experiences of the past ten years in Korea, either his everyday life or what he had done on TV, Dave has realized his path as YouTuber as wishes to create high-quality videos for his viewers to enjoy. He is making videos that he can be confident in, even if things do go awry every once in a while.

Have you ever watched videos from The World of Dave before? What do you think about Dave’s videos?

Written by Avery Souders

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