The World Inside of Korea!

The World Inside of Korea! - The Daebak Company

If travelling across the country was as simple as taking a train ride, we’d all be unstoppable. Making all sorts of trips back and forth to simply experience a different culture, try different foods or take part in whatever festivities may be going on. However, in Korea it is that easy! Finding a smaller version of the world inside Korea, here’s a list of little countries you can visit for yourself.

  • Petite France

Petite France is a slice of Europe found in Gapyeong, Korea an hour away from the Seoul station. A dream come true for any fans of the well-known book The Little Prince, crowds are welcomed into this little country with a life-sized version of the prince himself. This little village is vintage with a modern twist, filled with many cafes, beautiful gardens, performances with puppets, as well as a smaller version of the Eiffel Tower, it’s impossible not to have fun. This mini version of France is not only cute but perfect for that Instagram worthy post!

  • Incheon Chinatown 

Filled with colorful aesthetics, and multiple attractions Korea’s very own Chinatown will make for a memorable day. Having been established in 1883 by Chinese migrants searching for work it has slowly grown to the amazing cultural district it is today. Even after all the years, you’ll still find a slew of all sorts of traditions whichever way you look, whether it’s a delicious meal at a small restaurant or the Paeru entry gate, it will all have you in awe. Packed to the brim with museums, galleries and yummy restaurants trying to figure out how to fit everything into a day will be a difficult task!

  • Namhae German Village

Being considered quite identical to the actual bigger country itself, German Village is a reminiscence of all the wonderful events that take place in Germany. Having been built for Koreans who worked as miners and nurses in Germany during the 1960s and came back, it was a great way to find their new home in their old one. Miniature Germany is quite active during October for one of its most popular festivals, Oktoberfest, which is modelled after Munich’s own beer festival. Letting people enjoy a wide variety of drinks and snacks, guests can feel the traditions and customs of the country with the many concerts, performances, and parties that take place during the festival!

  • Japanese Village

The Japanese Village, also known as Dongbu Ichon-dong, is home to a very small Japanese population found in Korea. This little village, found near the Han River, is quite pleasant and easily accessible to anyone who wants to experience Japan for themselves but for whatever reason can’t make the trip. Walk down the streets of this little country and you’ll be enticed to try the many delicious foods, such as takoyaki (octopus balls)—a classic you simply can’t miss—or perhaps take the time to experience a church service held in Japanese. There’s no denying that whatever way you look there’s something that you’ll want to try!

Who knew making a trip around the globe could be so easy? Which little country had you wanting to visit it the bigger version? Let us know in the comments below!

Written by Briseida Rivera

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