Learn to Dance Like Your Favourite Idol, Thanks to YouTube!

Learn to Dance Like Your Favourite Idol, Thanks to YouTube! - The Daebak Company

K-pop idols and groups work incredibly hard on their choreography for music videos and stage performances. As K-pop fans, we love their hard work and dedication so much that we’ll spend hours watching their dances practices in hopes to dance as they do! Most times it’s difficult because there may be multiple members with different routines and you don’t know who to watch, or the dance moves are a lot harder than expected, but no need to feel defeated! Thanks to YouTube, you can learn easy choreography of your favorite songs and show off to your friends!

We are going to explore 5 YouTube channels that have dedicated their time to make dance covers and tutorials of K-pop songs for everyone to try and enjoy!

  • Sarahkaypop

Sarah was in high school when she started making dance tutorials to share. She uses dance moves that are most similar to exercises that would have been done in gym class and are very easy to learn. She also puts on the screen which moves you are doing and what is coming up next, so you never get lost and can follow along. These videos are recommended to try first if you have never danced before as they will help you build your skills up for trying some harder dance covers.

  • KPOPX Fitness

KPOPX Fitness was founded in 2012 by Maddy Lim who is from Singapore. She created this company as a way to make exercise more enjoyable. She and her team have in-person classes in Singapore, Malaysia, the UK, and Brunei, and have uploaded over 500 videos on to YouTube! These videos are easy and use similar gym exercises such as Sarahkpop, but some moves are more advanced. Some videos are done by one team member and some are done by multiple, which is great if you want to dance with a friend or two! If you are still a beginner but want to try them out first, they do have a range from easy to advanced workouts. Have fun exploring their channel and finding your favorite songs to try your moves on!

  • Kkardio Dance

Kkardio Dance was founded in 2016 by Jessica Lim, who was a freelance dance instructor for KPOPX Fitness and you will see her in their earlier videos. Kkardio provides in-person classes in Singapore, and has 95 videos to look through! They have a handful of instructors that create choreography and add their own flair and style to K-pop songs. Most of the songs are upbeat and make for a good workout! Each song is performed in a group and would be fun to learn with friends. Perfect to help you guys prepare for your debut! These videos are harder and require a little bit more skill to get the moves down in sync with the instructors on screen. However, if you are dedicated and want to try harder videos first, give it your best shot. After a few tries, it will become easier!

  • Josh and Bamui

Josh and Bamui are two dancers from Korea who created their YouTube channel because they love to dance. Their videos are fun and creative, and right in the middle for the skill required. The choreography isn’t easy but not too hard to learn either. They have 92 videos and some are vlogs and even Western music dance covers! Their channel has a little bit of something for everyone!

  • KPOP Fitness

This channel started uploading dance workouts in 2016, the creator used dancing to K-pop on her weight loss journey and wanted to help others who were struggling. She has created many workout videos that last for about an hour! KPOP Fitness has over 130 videos and each song varies in difficulty. For her own videos, she puts which moves you are doing and what is coming up on the screen. She’ll also let you know the difficulty of the choruses, and will allow practice time throughout the video to give you a chance to try it at a slower pace.

These 5 channels add their own style to their dance covers and they make the moves easier from the original choreography to allow us to dance like our favourite idols! To start off your dancing journey, start off with songs you like and know well. If you have watched a music video or dance practice a lot, those videos would be easier for you to dance to since you have some idea of the choreography already! Good luck and happy dancing everyone!

Cover Image: Girls' Generation (SM Entertainment)
Written by Ashton Carson

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