3 Easy Winter Korean Food To Make at Home 2023

Table setting with side dishes and bibimbap as winter korean food

The cold winds and early nights want us to spend time inside our homes more, especially us who hate the cold. What better to do when staying inside than to learn to cook winter Korean food? 

But no one has time to spend hours in the kitchen when there are so many kdramas on Netflix. So here are super easy recipes to make so you can get back under your warm blankets and binge the latest season of your favorite series!

3 Easy Winter Korean Food

#1 Korean Army Stew

Bowl of ramen, pork belly, sausage.

A dish rich in history, the Korean army stew or Budae Jjigae came into existence when there was a scarcity of food after the Korean War ended, and Korean soldiers smuggled food from army bases that had been abandoned.

Many of the food items they collected were processed American food, thus creating the Budae Jjigae. This dish is super easy to make, and you only need to add a few ingredients to your cupboard to enjoy this delicious stew.

Because the dish was made during hard times, the ingredients used are items you can usually find at the back of the cupboard in case of emergencies. These food items are part of the daily meals in other countries. 

All you need:

1. Instant Ramen noodles. We like to use Samyang Ramen original noodles!

2. Gochujang. Many grocery stores have started selling this Korean red chili paste with different spice levels, so pick it for your taste buds.

  • Find out all the things you can do with gochujang here!


Now you can start to make it your own!

Add spam, hot dogs, cheese, veggies (onions and beans), tofu, and sausage. You can throw what you want into your ramen broth, let it boil, and its ready to serve!

#2 Kimchi Pancake

plating of Korean pancake

The next super easy dish to make is kimchi pancakes or kimchi jeon. This perfect, easy recipe will warm you up and add a little spice to your Korean meal.

All you need:

You will want to collect a few ingredients for this dish. This is the longest part of this easy recipe.

1. First, start with an excellent kimchi option. We like to use Buldak Kimchi.

2. Flour

3. Eggs

4. Vinegar

5. Soy Sauce

6. Scallions


Mix the kimchi juice, an egg, vinegar, and soy sauce in a bowl. Then, mix in flour. Yes, you should have a batter! 

Add a healthy serving of kimchi to the batter, and it is ready to fry! Scoop a bit of batter and carefully place into a heated pan of oil.

Flatten the batter throughout the pan into a thin layer, wait for it to brown and then flip it. Do it one more time, and add some scallions on top. You are ready to eat!

#3 Bibimbap

image of egg, bean sprout, and cucumber in a stone bowl.

The final dish is an easy rice dish that is so yummy and popular to make! You can make this dish with meat or make it vegetarian and packed with veggies. Either way, it will warm your soul during the winter months.

All you need:

1. Rice 

2. Carrots

3. Bean Sprouts

4. Mushrooms 

5. Seaweed

6. Sliced Cooked Beef

7. Egg

Of course prepare white rice spoon that into a bowl.


Get a bowl and thinly slice the carrots, and fry a piece of egg. Prepare your bean sprouts, mushrooms, seaweed, and thinly sliced cooked beef.

Put a cup of rice in the bowl and start assembling each ingredient around the edges of the bowl. Then, top it with the fried egg. 

When ready to serve, add a little gochujang if you want a little spice, and get some kimchi as a side dish.

You can also add whatever you want to add your own twist!

Whatever dish you decide to make, these are sure to keep your room but not keep you in the kitchen or grocery store too long, so you can get back to watching your kdramas in your fuzzy warm socks under your blanket.


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