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Elizabeth: Daebak Global Intern Signing Off! - The Daebak Company
And just like that, it’s over. These last few months interning for The Daebak Company have truly been a blast and I’m so glad to have been able to share this experience with you, Daebak-fam! If you’re curious about what the job entails or are simply interested in learning more about my time here, keep on reading!
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3 Reasons to Be Thankful for K-Dramas - The Daebak Company
Korean dramas are inarguably one of Korea’s most well-known cultural exports, and it’s not hard to see why—they boast a wide variety of genres, feature phenomenal talent, introduce dynamic story lines, and more. Though the language is in Korean, these shows are still accessible to fans all over the world with the help of streaming sites and subtitles. We here at The Daebak Company love watching K-Dramas, so this Thanksgiving season, we’d like to share some reasons as to why we’re so thankful for them!
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Black Friday Sale: Daebak's K-Pop & Content Lookbook - The Daebak Company
Before our upcoming Daebak Black Friday sale, we know that there is a lot to think about regarding what K-Pop and K-Content items to buy; Especially when it comes to choosing a couple things out of so many great options. Here are some of our top picks for what you should look out for this Black Friday season!
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5 K-Dramas to Watch This Autumn Season - The Daebak Company
Hey Daebak-Fam, don’t forget to grab your cozy sweaters, fluffy blankets, snacks, and warm drinks when you check out these five must-watch K-Dramas for this fall season! Wondering which K-Dramas we listed? Check out the full article here!
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Top 3 Lesser-Known Dramas to Binge Watch During Fall Session - The Daebak Company
I don’t know about you, but I know that I have a bad habit of binge-watching shows, but I don’t always finish them. Around the hundred-plus dramas, I have watched (of course not all of them fully) in the course of six years, there are a couple that really stand out and I would highly recommend, if you have some time on your hands to kick back and relax.
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