Three Weekend Getaways in South Korea

Three Weekend Getaways in South Korea - The Daebak Company

We all have a busy schedule in some way, but it’s summer and the sun is pouring its Vitamin D on us so we can’t help but wish for a sweet and peaceful weekend getaway from all responsibilities. Running away from the city noise and rush is like a remedy for the soul, so it’s very important to give yourself a break even for overnight.

2 Days & 1 Night (1박2일) is not only a popular Korean reality show but a common travel style in Korea. Having a hectic week can give anyone a headache so relaxing is very important, and it doesn’t have to be a thousand-dollars-worth trip to some luxurious location! Here are a few ideas for domestic and cheap travel ideas in South Korea. You can make a stop if you want to get out of Seoul or if you are visiting Korea and want to go out of the typical tourist spots!

  • Anmyeon-do Island

Anmyeondo is an island in the south of Korea, that used to be a peninsula, but was flooded and cut off the mainland during the Joseon Dynasty to avoid taxes sent to Seoul (Hanyang back then) from the plunder of Japanese pirates. Nowadays, the island is connected to the land by a bridge and it is very picturesque and somewhat isolated from all the hustle and bustle of the city. There are plenty of tracks for hiking with beautiful sea views that will simply astound you.

Anmyeondo has lots of beaches but Kkotji Beach is one of the most serene and refreshing places one can be. Romantic and relaxing, this place can heal every piece of your soul that has been shuttered by the stress throughout the week.

The Recreational Forest on the island is home to a 100-year-old pine tree forest that has once been owned by a royal family but today one can spend a quiet afternoon in nature, having a picnic or visiting the Forest Exhibition Hall and wandering around.

Palm Camille Herb Farm is a cute stop filled with numerous types of flowers and herbs and it even has a windmill covered in ivy. The greenery and colorfulness of this place will make your heart blossom with that tingly feeling of happiness and inner peace for sure.

  • Gangneung

Gangneung is a city on the east coast of Korea with a lot to be seen. We all dream of the beach in summer so a weekend trip to this place will ease your longing for the sound of the waves and the smell of the sea water.

Gangneung is famous place for watching the sunrise and the spot to do so is definitely Gyeongpo Beach. The fine sand and tranquil scenery can make one forget all the stress that has built up during the week due to mundane problems. The pine forest and wild roses growing around the beach contribute to the utopia.

The food that Gangneung is famous for is 순두부 or soft tofu. There are lots of places around town where you can have it and restaurants open rather early so you can have it at all times!

In case you are not too adventurous to sleep at Gyeongpo Beach under the stars and you want to experience the historical side of Korea, you can sleep at Seongyojang. The big house is one of the top ten best-preserved original dwellings in South Korea, and even though its name comes from the fact that it was accessible by a boat, the lake that led to it has now withdrawn to as far as 12km from the residence. Still, the complex contains a tea house, a lotus-filled pond and many more mesmerizing structures that will take you back in time and forget your 21st-century worries.

  • Daejon

Daejon is the fifth largest city in Korea and it has earned its name as “Asia’s Silicon Valley.” Still, it is a marvelous travel spot if you are the type of person who doesn’t like to leave the city.

The first stop has to be Yuseong Hot Springs, where you can give your feet a soak at the little stream running just across the center of the city. There is a legend saying that back in the years of the Baekje Kingdom, there was a man who was hurt during a war with Silla. His mother, seeing a crane healing itself in the waters of the hot spring, took her son there and her son’s wounds healed as a miracle. Therefore, the water at Yuseoung Hot Springs is believed to have healing properties.

Daejon is also famous for its kalgugsu, which is a seasonal noodle soup usually eaten in summer so if you travel during the hot months, it is a great idea to stop for some refreshing giant bowl of kalgugsu on your walk through Daejon.

You can learn more about Daejon by visiting its Modern History Museum that opened in 2013 and represents the development of the city over the past 100 years. The exhibitions showcase folklore, architecture, design, and history as well as musical and various educational stages.


Have you packed your bags yet? Where will you head first? If you know other sweet weekend getaways you would like to share with fellow Fever Guys Fam members make sure to comment down below and inspire each other to keep traveling and exploring!  

Written by Monica Boyadzhieva

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