The Boryeong Mud Festival

The Boryeong Mud Festival - The Daebak Company

We all love a good festival, right? Why not have a change from the usual music festival and instead step out of your comfort zone, and go for something a little bit different? If this sounds like something you're up for, let's delve into the Boryeong Mud Festival!

It’s an event lasting for ten days, allowing all festival-goers to really dive into this experience and the mud that comes with it. Boryeong, situated along the southwest coastline of Chungcheongnam, is known for having mineral-rich mud that has incredible effects for the skin. Because of this, the city produced a plethora of skin care products, and in order to get them more promotion, held their first mud festival back in 1998. It originally lasted for four days, which were slowly extended as time went on and the festival became more popular. It’s so popular they have millions of tourists visit the event every year, and who knows? Maybe this year you’ll be one of them!

Now you know a bit about it, what can you do there, right? There are different schedules with the events on each day varying. The first day of the festival is on July 13 and the very last day lands on July 22, and all the events they have planned make sure that you're occupied every day.

Programs consist of a Family Fun Zone so kids can enjoy the messy mud in safety, and parents can enjoy the festival worry-free. There is also a regular zone where you can go wild, and even certain booths where you can get your face painted with mud. If you aren't ready to dive into loads of mud yet, then why not wander around and purchase some of the skin care products that they have for sale? Or maybe grab a snack from the food zone? Maybe an ice cream that looks like mud?

Maybe you want to participate in a competition? Why not take part in the mud marathon? Or maybe a Futsal contest? While this festival is widely based around mud and getting dirty, there are also special performances and parades for you to enjoy while you’re there.

If you’re the type who doesn’t mind jumping around in some mud, then this is definitely your summer festival! If diving into the dirt seems a bit too out there for you, just go and give it a visit for the food and skin products. Go on, treat yourself!

Written by Nicole Simpkin

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