It's Bloom Time

It's Bloom Time - The Daebak Company

It is officially that time of year when everything starts to bloom. The scenery becomes as beautiful as a painting. Flowers grow all around us and are planted or they naturally sprout. Here are five Korean flowers that you can spot while traveling the country.

  • Hibiscus Syriacus

Hibiscus Syriacus, also known as Mugunghwa, is South Korea’s national flower. This breathtaking flower pays homage to the nation. The five petal arrangement has a dark pink spot right in the middle of the flower. Is it not beautiful?

  • Forsythia Koreana

Forsythia Koreana is hard to miss. This bright yellow flower is also known as the Korean Goldenbell tree. It has a unique and distinctive shape that anyone can spot! The flower itself has four petals and resembles the shape of bells. In Seoul, the nation's capitol, Forsythia Koreana is the official flower.

  • Corylopsis Korea

Corylopsis Korea is quite similar to Forsythia Koreana. It has the same bell-like shape, but is thicker and lighter in color. The pastel yellow is not hard to spot when surrounded by many flowers. Also known as Winter Hazel, these shrubs grow to be 6 feet to nearly 19 feet! That is a tall flower!

  • Sorbus Alnifolia

Sorbus Alnifolia, known as Korean mountain ash, is more than a flower. It is also a tree! In the spring, white-colored flowers bloom followed by red berry-like fruit in the summer. This tree is beautiful during each stage of its life.

  • Plum Blossom

The plum blossom tree can easily be mistaken as cherry blossoms at first glance. Plum blossoms only have five petals and do not have any splits at the end. Their bark is darker and does not have any lines. Another way to tell the difference between cherry blossoms and plum blossoms is their leaves. Plum blossom leaves are red and purple and sprout straight from the branch itself.

Now that we have read about these five flowers and admired their beauty, what do you think? Do you have a favorite from this article? Or do you have a favorite flower that grows in another country? Let us know in the comments below!

Cover Image: Jason Murphy on Unsplash
Written By Brianna Giles

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