Top Three Snacks For The Matcha Lover

Top Three Snacks For The Matcha Lover - The Daebak Company

Among all the trendy foods and flavorful favorites within the Korean community, matcha flavored drinks and treats are worthy of their hype. Matcha, a commonly used type of green tea has found its popularity globally from popular franchises like Starbucks introducing matcha flavored frappuccinos and lattes! The green tea has also been used in more than just drinks, so here’s a short list of some Korean snacks who use the flavor in their tasty treats.

1. Matcha Choco Pies

The Choco Pie is a well-known and well-loved staple when it comes to Korean snacks. With the snack favored by people from around the world, it’s no surprise that Lotte Mart decided to play around with new flavors, and lucky for us green tea was one of their top picks!

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2. Matcha Samanco Icecream Bars

A treat you're bound to find while browsing Korea’s street food options is bungeobbang. Bungeobbang is a fish-shaped waffle mold filled with a sweet red bean filling. It’s hard to believe that they were able to take this already well-loved staple and make it even sweeter and (dare we predict) tastier? They took this same design and made it into an ice cream bar! This specific treat has matcha flavored ice cream lined on top of the classic red bean filling and cooled inside the fish-shaped waffle mold. A perfect refreshing treat for all seasons!

3. Lotte Dream Cacao

Made from premium cacao beans, these dark chocolate coated cubes are yet another classic to come out of Lotte Mart. Usually, the treat is just a small container of dark chocolate filled cubes, but with the release of this green tea edition, the chocolate filling is replaced with the matcha flavor. A snack that’s all too easy to keep popping into your mouth endlessly.

We hope you enjoyed this short but sweet list of some matcha flavored goodies! If nothing else, at least you now know that green tea can be tasty in more than just, well, tea!

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