3 Reasons to Be Thankful for K-Dramas

3 Reasons to Be Thankful for K-Dramas - The Daebak Company

Korean dramas are inarguably one of Korea’s most well-known cultural exports, and it’s not hard to see why—they boast a wide variety of genres, feature phenomenal talent, introduce dynamic story lines, and more. Though the language is in Korean, these shows are still accessible to fans all over the world with the help of streaming sites and subtitles. We here at The Daebak Company love watching K-Dramas, so this Thanksgiving season, we’d like to share some reasons as to why we’re so thankful for them!

3 Reasons We are Thankful for K-Dramas


1. Acting: Of course, great shows are only possible with great casts, and fortunately, K-Dramas know how to deliver! The Korean acting industry is just bursting with talent, from actors with impeccable comedic timings, actresses with astounding emotional depth and to performers who simply have the perfect blend of both. The only problem with the Korean acting industry is that there are too many talented individuals to pick a favorite from!

Actors We Recommend: Lee Jongsuk and Bae Suzy (While You Were Sleeping), IU (Hotel del Luna)


2. OSTs: A K-Drama’s OST, also known as an Original Soundtrack, refers to the album of music created for and used in a drama; Such as the intro or outro theme song or background music heard in various scenes. Although soundtracks are not typically what first comes to mind when thinking about television shows, OSTs are a critical element of K-Dramas and having a well-produced one makes watching a show THAT much better. Trust us, K-Drama OSTs are so good that we bet you’ll still be listening to them on repeat long after you’ve finished the show.        

OSTs We Recommend: Goblin, Hotel del Luna.


3. Writing & Plots: Even after decades of shows, K-Dramas continue to introduce new ideas or present fresh takes of classic storylines. Most K-Dramas are also kept to a succinct 16-25 episode limit, which means that the episodes are generally full of life and productive in moving the story along. When you watch a K-Drama, you can expect to be in for an emotional rollercoaster that will have you laughing and crying and invested until the end!

Plots We Recommend: Squid Game (thriller) + Crash Landing On You (rom-com).


You can’t go wrong with any of the shows we’ve listed above, and we promise you won’t regret checking them out. You can also find merchandise for these shows and more here at Daebak ShopWhat are some reasons why you’re thankful for K-Dramas? Let us know in the comments below!


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