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Four Superstitions Koreans Have About Food - The Daebak Company
South Korea is a country that values tradition, and with that tradition superstitions naturally, follow. But their superstitions extend to more than just bodily or spiritual experiences. There are even a few superstitions that extend to there food! From beliefs...
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The Allure of Mukbang - The Daebak Company
If you open YouTube and notice that a number of people have uploaded videos of themselves eating suspiciously delicious grub on camera, you might be hungry, but you're not going crazy. What they're participating in is a relatively new niche...
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K-Pop Idols Who Are YouTubers - The Daebak Company
For many international fans of K-pop, YouTube is where most of us first discovered our favourite idols, groups, or even K-pop in general! Whether it was the viral “Gangnam Style” by PSY, watching one of our favourite YouTubers reacting to...
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Bottled Water: Why Koreans Swear By It - The Daebak Company
Have you ever noticed while watching the actors on your favourite KDrama, or a Kpop idol performing; that they only ever seem to drink bottled water? This made me curious, do the people of Korea exclusively drink bottled water, and...
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