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After many auditions he firstly selected RM as the leader and core of the group, he was also given the choice between debuting alone or with the group, but fortunately he decided to debut with the others. After a few years the members were selected, each of them for their unique talent and contribution to the group, BTS were born and the group soon debuted with: RM, SUGA, J-HOPE, JIN, V, JIMIN and JUNGKOOK.
In global music, few names carry the same weight and impact as BTS. Among the seven immensely talented members of BTS, Namjoon Kim, better known as RM, stands out as a multifaceted artist and a true symbol of inspiration. In this...
Plug in your earplugs and tune into your song streaming app if you feel love is in the air because we have got the perfect and must-have list of OST songs that you will definitely listen to on a loop especially if you want to feel love, happy and good.
Moonbin Memorial
Die plötzliche Abreise dieser Prominenten hat allen Menschen, deren Familien, Gruppenmitgliedern und Freunden, aber auch allen ihren Fans, viel Traurigkeit verursacht. Fans scheinen übertriebene Reaktionen auf diese Nachrichten zu haben. Sie trauern in einer Weise, die denen sehr ähnlich ist, die diese Leute wirklich kannten, aber warum? Warum befinden wir uns als Fans fest an Prominente?
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