Korean Weddings - Engagement to Wedding Day Traditions

Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin

Korean weddings are a beautiful fusion of ancient customs and modern practices, reflecting the country's cultural heritage. From seeking family permission to the jubilant celebrations on the wedding day, each tradition holds significant meaning, underscoring the importance of family, unity, and love. This article will explore the various stages of a traditional Korean wedding, from the engagement to the wedding day, encompassing customs such as the Jeonanyre, Paebaek, and the Wedding Banquet.

Asking for Permission of Family

Respecting the values of the family is a cornerstone of Korean culture. Before announcing their engagement, it is customary for the couple to seek the blessings and approval of both sets of parents. This gesture pays homage to the role of family in the couple's life journey and ensures their support for the union.

Wedding Bands

Engagement rings are not a standard in traditional Korean weddings. Some couples may choose not to exchange rings, while younger couples may embrace the exchange of wedding bands influenced by modern customs. The exchange of wedding bands is seen as a cherished custom symbolizing eternal love and commitment between the couple.

Taeyang from Big Bang met his wife, actress Min Hyo-rin while filming the music video for his song "1AM," the couple tied the knot in a private ceremony in February 2018.

Couples can purchase engagement rings or wedding bands at various jewelry shops, including the renowned Jongno Jewelry Shopping Street. This bustling street is a popular destination for soon-to-be-wedded couples seeking the perfect symbol of their love and commitment. With a wide array of exquisite designs and styles, couples can find the ideal rings that resonate with their unique preferences and budget.

The Proposal

In Korean tradition, marriage is a joint decision made by the couple. Unlike extravagant proposals in some cultures, Korean couples openly discuss and plan their marriage together, solidifying their commitment. Some couples today have decided to take the approach of an elaborate or quiet sentimental proposal.

Lee Kyou Hyuk and Son Dam Bi developed a romantic relationship while participating in the show "Kiss and Cry," describing their time together as a fiery, spectacle-like love.

Meeting the Family

Before announcing their engagement, it is customary for both families to meet and get acquainted. This meeting is essential to ensure compatibility and harmony between the families. Unlike some cultures where parents may meet their child's partner early in the relationship, in Korea, the couple typically introduces their parents to the person they intend to marry, signifying a serious commitment.

Engagement and Wedding Photos

Preparations for the wedding day include a professional photo shoot, commonly called a "wedding snap" or "wedding studio." Couples can choose from various styles and packages offered by studios like Naver or Instagram's "filmdenini," with prices varying based on preferences and duration.

Venue Selection

Selecting the wedding venue is a pivotal aspect of wedding planning. The venue should accommodate the guests and align with the couple's vision for their special day, providing a picturesque backdrop for their joyous celebration.

Shillah Hotel Venue
Grand Walkerhill Seoul


Traditional Korean wedding attire, known as "Hanbok," is worn during the wedding ceremony. The bride and groom wear vibrant, beautifully embroidered outfits with deep cultural significance. Some brides have opted for a more Western approach by wearing modern wedding dresses.

Park Shin Hye and Choi Tae Joon, both talented South Korean actors, confirmed their relationship in March 2018 after being close friends for many years.

Short Ceremony

Korean wedding ceremonies are thoughtfully designed to be concise, allowing guests to continue their daily lives after the celebration seamlessly. While maintaining the essence of meaningful rituals, the couple pays heartfelt respects to their parents and ancestors, expressing gratitude and seeking blessings for their promising future together. This thoughtful approach ensures that attendees can attend the wedding and quickly resume their routines, such as work and school, after the joyful occasion.

Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin, both famous South Korean actors, confirmed their real-life relationship in January 2021 after starring in the hit drama "Crash Landing on You."

Cash Wedding Gift

Instead of traditional wedding gifts, it is customary for guests to offer cash as a wedding gift. This monetary gift is often placed in special envelopes and presented to the couple during the wedding reception, symbolizing support and good wishes for their new life together.


Following the main wedding ceremony, the "Paebaek" takes place, where the couple pays respects to the groom's parents by offering them tea. In return, the parents provide blessings and wisdom for their married life.

Envelopes of Money from Family during Paebaek

During the Paebaek ceremony, a heartwarming tradition takes place where family members and close relatives offer envelopes of money to the couple as a symbol of support and good wishes. These envelopes are given with genuine joy and excitement for the newlyweds as they begin their journey together. The act of offering money envelopes during the Paebaek ceremony symbolizes the passing down of wisdom and blessings from one generation to the next, and the couple receives them with gratitude, cherishing the emotional weight of family support and love expressed through this heartfelt gesture.


The "Gyobaerye" is a momentous occasion where the bride and groom see each other for the first time. With their respective attendants by their sides, they exchange bows and gestures to symbolize their commitment to each other. This heartfelt ceremony marks the beginning of their united life together in marriage.

Explanation of the Table

In a Korean wedding, the couple partakes in a meaningful tradition by sharing a gourd of wine during the ceremony. As they take turns drinking from it, this act symbolizes their profound commitment to sharing the joys and sorrows of their married life. Just as the wine blends within the gourd, their hearts intertwine with love and support, signifying the unity of their souls as they embark on their journey as life partners. This simple yet powerful ritual encapsulates the essence of marriage, representing their willingness to stand by each other through all of life's moments, embracing the highs and lows with unwavering devotion.

Dates and Chestnuts

A few days after the first wedding ceremony, the couple celebrates again by visiting the man's family. Koreans call this "pyebaek." The bride offers dates and chestnuts to the groom's parents as a symbol of fertility and the hope for a prosperous future with children.

Jeonanyre - Presentation of the Wild Goose

The "Jeonanyre" is a delightful tradition where the groom's family presents a live wild goose to the bride's family. While a wooden goose may be used instead of a live one in modern times, the sentiment remains unchanged. The wild goose symbolizes fidelity and the groom's commitment to caring for the bride, exemplifying a lifelong promise of love and devotion.

Wedding Banquet

The wedding banquet is a joyous celebration where guests come together to enjoy a sumptuous meal and share in the newlyweds' happiness. Some banquet venues offer makeup, hair styling, and photography packages, ensuring the couple looks their best on their special day.

Celebration Towards The Future - Korean Weddings

Korean weddings are a fascinating blend of ancient customs and contemporary elements, highlighting the deep-rooted cultural heritage of the country. From seeking family permission to the various traditional ceremonies, each step is infused with love, respect, and unity. While some customs have evolved, the essence of Korean weddings remains true to its roots, celebrating family, community, and the journey of two souls coming together in matrimony.

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