SM vs JYP vs YG: Cafeteria Battle

By Bobby Park

Featured Image Credits @Koreaboo

Have you ever heard of the 3 heads of entertainment in Korea? SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, and YG entertainment are the 3 agencies that have been coming out with some of the most popular K-Pop idols in history. 

SM Entertainment:


PhotoCredits @SMTownFamily

JYP Entertainment:


PhotoCredits @Ayoshihari

YG Entertainment:


PhotoCredits @YGHangovers

While there definitely have been a battle among the three agencies to see who sits at the top of the KPOP industry, a different kind of battle has been recently occurring: cafeteria style.


JYP entertainment recently moved from its old office to a brand new building with a cafeteria that prides itself in all organic foods. Jin Young Park himself has been known to enjoy fresh organic food for his body, and it is said that he created this cafeteria to share his healthy eating habits with his fellow staff and artists. 

 YG entertainment's cafeteria has been known for a while for its delicious tastes made be the ahjoomas. Sights of artists, staff, and trainees eating at the cafeteria can often be seen through television shows!

sumカフェ☕️のケーキ🍰帽子が可愛い💕所属のアーティストの名前をつけてくれます🎶➰💕 ②迷ったけどEXOのD.O.に❣️帽子は付いて来なかった💦😩 ③自分で飾る ④壁には東方神起の新曲が⁉️ ⑤過去に着ていた衣装が飾られている⁉️ ⑥smエンターテイメントビルの看板✨ビル🏢の一階がカフェとレストラン、地下がグッズshop✨になっている。 ⑦⑧MUSIC VIDEOの撮影に使ったグッズ⁉️smファンなら2時間は遊べそう💕✨🎶➰ ⑨住十里(ワンシムニ)から地下鉄🚇ブンダン線に乗り江南(カンナム)で乗り換えてチョンダム下車。6番出口の前にある。 ⑩トイレも広くて綺麗✨扉が金色✨ I went to#Sumcafe ☕️ #사무카훼 갔다☕️ 我去了Sumcafe #sm#smエンターテイメント#sumカフェ#smcafe#sumcafe#東方神起#EXO#DO.#ソウル#韓国#韓国旅行 #チョンダム駅 #6番出口#ケーキ#帽子#カフェ#ソウルカフェ#扉が金色#チョンダム

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Although SM does not have a restaurant that is well sought after, it does have its own SM cafe at the COEX center in Seoul that is visited by millions of SM artist fans! With delicious desserts themed after SM artists themselves, it is a distinctive cafe for KPOP lovers all around the world. 

Here is a video of JunHyung, a former god member from JYP, visiting different Korean agencies and trying out their cafeterias with famous artists!

If any of you decide to visit Korea, make sure to visit these top 3 agencies not only to see your favorite artists but also devour delicious foods that will satisfy your taste buds! Leave a comment below of your favorite entertainment agency and its artists. 😊

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