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5 Unique Teas Found in Korea - The Daebak Company
In Korea, tea is taken up a notch! With there being an infinite number of tea shops and cafes popping up in various places, it’s hard to deny the popularity of the drink.
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Korean Drinks That Will Leave You Refreshed - The Daebak Company
What better to keep us hydrated than Korean drinks we can take on the go? While Korea has quite the reputation for cute cafes that sell smoothies and Iced Americanos, there is also a wide variety of canned and bottled drinks that will leave you refreshed while you’re on the run.
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5 Famous Drinks You Have to Try! - The Daebak Company
You already know of some Korean drinks, all thanks to Korean variety shows, events or even dramas, but I bet there are plenty of them that you've never heard about! Here are 5 of the most famous drinks in Korea!
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YG artists are talented, fierce, stylish, innovative and…hungry? by CarinneJ I bet you've never thought about how much food is utilized in YG music videos. From candy to K-snacks, from Big Bang to Akdong Musician; we've compiled a list of 20 times food...
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