Cheorwon DMZ, 2nd Tunnel + Hantangan River Geopark Tour
Cheorwon DMZ, 2nd Tunnel + Hantangan River Geopark Tour
Cheorwon DMZ, 2nd Tunnel + Hantangan River Geopark Tour

Cheorwon DMZ, 2nd Tunnel + Hantangan River Geopark Tour

通常価格$96.00 USD
運送 チェックアウト時に計算されます。

  • 在庫があり、出荷する準備ができています
  • 途中の在庫
  • 公式ブランド商品のみ
  • 韓国から直接船
  • 11,000以上の検証済みサイトレビュー
  • 無料のグローバル配送利用可能(標準$ 70 USD / Express 100 USD)

Explore the Cheorwon Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on an immersive tour featuring the 2nd Tunnel and Hantangan River Geopark. Delve into the historical significance of the 2nd Tunnel, a secret passageway, and gain insight into Korea's tumultuous past. Then, marvel at the natural beauty of the Hantangan River Geopark, renowned for its stunning geological formations and serene landscapes. This tour offers a unique blend of history and nature, providing a comprehensive understanding of the Korean Peninsula's past and present.

*Arrival time to Seoul can be delayed depending on the number of tourists and traffic on the day.

- Lunch is included in the tour package. 
