TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint 4g
TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint 4g
TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint 4g
TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint 4g
TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint 4g
TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint 4g
TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint 4g

TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint 4g

通常価格$13.99 USD
運送 チェックアウト時に計算されます。

  • 在庫があり、出荷する準備ができています
  • 途中の在庫
  • 公式ブランド商品のみ
  • 韓国から直接船
  • 11,000以上の検証済みサイトレビュー
  • 無料のグローバル配送利用可能(標準$ 70 USD / Express 100 USD)

IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only order this product along with other K-beauty products.

This TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint delivers a soft, watery glow with toned-down hues. It highlights refraction and fills in wrinkles for a bright, translucent finish. Achieve a youthful, healthy glow with each application.

What's Inside

  • Component: TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Artclass Clair Tint
  • Vol./Weight: 4g
COLORS *some colors/variations may not be available*
#1 Ruddy Peach- Pure nude peach color like a shy flush
#2 Litchi Rise- Vivid litchi color with a warm sunlight
#3 Mirror Berry- Neutral raspberry color with a subtle shine
#4 Rosy View- Soft rose color for a splash of vitality
#5 Gleam Red- Chilling color like fresh flowers
