ROM&ND Juicy Lasting Tint (Bare Juicy Series) 5.5g
ROM&ND Juicy Lasting Tint (Bare Juicy Series) 5.5g
ROM&ND Juicy Lasting Tint (Bare Juicy Series) 5.5g
ROM&ND Juicy Lasting Tint (Bare Juicy Series) 5.5g
ROM&ND Juicy Lasting Tint (Bare Juicy Series) 5.5g
ROM&ND Juicy Lasting Tint (Bare Juicy Series) 5.5g

ROM&ND Juicy Lasting Tint (Bare Juicy Series) 5.5g

通常価格$12.99 USD
運送 チェックアウト時に計算されます。

  • 在庫があり、出荷する準備ができています
  • 途中の在庫
  • 公式ブランド商品のみ
  • 韓国から直接船
  • 11,000以上の検証済みサイトレビュー
  • 無料のグローバル配送利用可能(標準$ 70 USD / Express 100 USD)

IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only order this product along with other K-beauty products.

The ROM&ND Juicy Lasting Tint (Bare Juicy Series) is a must-have lip tint for the new season. Inspired by early spring sunshine, it offers a candy-coated gloss and a clear, syrupy finish. Experience the long-lasting, intense color that only gets better with time.

What's Inside

  • Component: ROM&ND Juicy Lasting Tint (Bare Juicy Series)
  • Vol./Weight: 5.5g
COLORS *some shades/variations may not be available*
#22 Pomelo Skin: Not-too-white-beige shade that fits warm undertones 
#23 Nucadamia: Moody but light nude-red-brown shade 
#24 Peeling Angdoo: Clear red with a hint of white 
#25 Bare Grape: Clear pink with a bunch of beige for cool undertones 
