CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara 7g
CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara 7g
CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara 7g
CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara 7g
CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara 7g
CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara 7g
CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara 7g

CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara 7g

通常価格$17.99 USD
運送 チェックアウト時に計算されます。

  • 在庫があり、出荷する準備ができています
  • 途中の在庫
  • 公式ブランド商品のみ
  • 韓国から直接船
  • 11,000以上の検証済みサイトレビュー
  • 無料のグローバル配送利用可能(標準$ 70 USD / Express 100 USD)

IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only order this product along with other K-beauty products.

Get perfectly curled and long-lasting lashes with CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara! Its flexible formula starts curling at the roots, ensuring your curls stay in place all day. With powerful resistance to water, sweat, and oil, this mascara is reliable for flake-free and smudge-proof wear.

What's Inside

  • Component: CLIO Kill Lash Superproof Mascara
  • Vol./Weight: 7g
COLORS/VARIATIONS *some colors/variations may not be available*
#01 LONG CURLING: The slim curve brush melds perfectly with the curves of the eyes to ensure easy, single-sweep application.
#02 VOLUME CURLING: The football-shaped brush allows for close application along the eyeliner to ensure even the shortest eyelashes get coverage.
#BR01 CHOCO BROWN: For soft, yet defining eye makeup
#BR02 ROSE BROWN: For refined, vibey eye makeup
