South Korean Festivals: Events of the Year

South Korean Festivals: Events of the Year - The Daebak Company

Recognized for its tall, shiny buildings and technological advancement, South Korea has undergone a period of rapid modernization that has lead it to have a growing influence on our world. Despite this, they have managed to stay true to their roots with the countless festivals and holidays that they celebrate throughout the year.

Through these celebrations, one can experience the country’s unique history, culture, and society. Since there are many of these diverse events held throughout the year, one will surely be able to attend one throughout their visit. Here are some South Korean festivals that occur throughout the year that you definitely don't want to miss!

  • Mountain Trout Ice Festival (Winter)

Throughout January, the Mountain Trout Ice Festival occurs in Hwacheon which is located in Gangwon Province. In order to take part in this festival, many people travel to Hwacheon so that they can pole fish, attempt to catch fish by hand, view beautiful ice sculptures, and ride on sleighs among other festivities. This event is perfect for families who want to enjoy some quality time together and make memories that will last a lifetime. So, if you are ever feeling adventurous and just so happen to be in South Korea throughout this time, be sure to make your way to the Mountain Trout Ice Festival to have the time of your life!

  • Jeju Fire Festival (Spring)

In the month of March, it tends to get a little bit fiery on the island of Jeju. Lasting three days, the Jeju Fire Festival is an unforgettable event that showcases meaning and its fair share of fire. Throughout this festival, they set the Saebyeol Oreum Hill on fire, set off fireworks, and perform many magnificent stage performances. Even though this festival is quite exciting, it is more than just a national holiday. It represents Korean traditions and is meant to bring about a good harvest for the upcoming year. If you want to experience a jaw-dropping spectacle, the Jeju Fire Festival is one that will not disappoint.

  • Sinchon Water Gun Festival (Summer)

In July, heat and humidity is the daily norm for many South Koreans. In order to combat this, they have come up with a fun and exciting way to cool off. The Sinchon Water Gun Festival is an event where many individuals gather together to fight a common cause, the grueling summer heat. Providing water slides, live music, and a variety of water guns, the Sinchon Water Gun Festival is a celebration that is filled with fun and amusement. If you want to find your inner child and enjoy a day outside in the summer heat, you should make your way to the Sinchon Water Gun Festival. After all, it will be an epic water gun fight that you do not want to miss out on!

  • Seoul Lantern Festival (Autumn)

Attracting visitors from throughout the globe, the Seoul Lantern Festival takes place in November at the Cheonggyecheon Stream. In this event, one will be able to see a variety of lantern sculptures floating down the stream. Following a different theme every year, it is a unique display that keeps visitors coming and brings the intangible to life. It is definitely a sight to see that is filled with a magnificent display of colors and creative lanterns that lead its visitors into a magical realm.

Which festival would you want to see? Let us know in the comments below!

Written by Valeria Voelkl

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