Take Your Seoul on a Date 😍

Take Your Seoul on a Date 😍 - The Daebak Company

With Black Day just behind us, all the single people out there had the chance to remind themselves that being single can be just as awesome as being in a relationship! Wondering how to spend a lovely day by yourself? Look no more! Other than wearing black clothing and eating jjajangmyeon (짜장면) on this day, there are plenty of activities one could do in Seoul to enjoy their own company!

Don’t miss the 치맥!

Chimaek (치맥), or “chicken and beer,” is a classic in Korean culture. In fact, the combination is so good, sharing it with yourself only is no sin! Spring is already here, and the sunny weather can be just another reason for you to go out and enjoy the day. Imagine a warm Sunday afternoon, sitting by the Han River, looking at Banpodaegyo Bridge with a refreshing beer in one hand and hot and crunchy fried chicken in the other. A couple to die for, right?!

Take yourself on an extraordinary dinner!

Have you ever thought of dining in a pitch black room? The whole Black Day theme is the best excuse to give it a try! Le Noir is a restaurant in Hongdae, inspired by escape rooms, that allows you to have a once-in-a-lifetime eating experience. Being surrounded by couples holding hands and looking lovingly into each other’s eyes in public restaurants can be disheartening sometimes, but in Le Noir you can focus entirely on your meal, and learn how to trust your senses (literally!). Many people go there with their friends or blind dates, so if you do not want to be entirely alone, it is a great chance to get to know better the person across you over a nice dinner with no distractions.

Take a trip!

Solo traveling is one of the most fulfilling and liberating experiences in the world, and sharing it with yourself on Black Day makes it even more special. Everyone deserves a rest sometimes. 바다열차, or Sea Train, is a tourist train operated by the Korail Tourism Development that travels 58km to showcase some beautiful views of the East Sea. Getting out of Seoul for a while and enjoying this romantic view can give you a lot of time to relax, and remind yourself how comfortable you are with YOU! Or… you could happen to find the love of your life sitting on the seat next to you! Who knows?

Do something you are passionate about!

Taking your soul on a date means doing the things you actually love the most but do not have the time to enjoy in your daily routine. Remind yourself of your hobby—whether it's hiking, dancing, painting, or reading a book—make yourself comfortable and enjoy your own company. For those who want to get out of their comfort zone and test their skills, here is an exciting idea: pottery! Yes, pottery! There are many places in Seoul you could go to create a unique present for yourself that will decorate your home and remind you what a nice significant other you actually are. Doing a traditional Korean pottery workshop will present you with one of those cultural experiences, that will leave you feeling extra productive on that day!

Single or in a relationship, we all need to have our "Black Days" spent alone, sometimes. Make sure not to miss next year’s chance to celebrate the love you've got for yourself. Here's a song to celebrate!

Written by Monica Boyadzhieva

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