Official Notice for Fall Daebak Box Schedule

Official Notice for Fall Daebak Box Schedule

Dear Daebak Family, (Daebak Box Subscribers)

Thank you always for your love and support towards us. 

We’d like to discuss some issues in regards to 2022 Fall Daebak Box Schedule. 

Usually, we start sourcing the items for upcoming seasonal box in 2-3 months ahead. 

We’ve acknowledged that there’s been some opinions from few customers that 2022 summer box contents were not of satisfactory quality. We assume that this was only because much of our budget were too focused on few expensive items. 

In the process of sourcing items for 2022 Fall box, we’ve tried hard to fill in the box with more variety of products that are abundant in its quality. While doing that, we made a contract with new suppliers who promised to provide us with really good quality of products. However, as you may have already expected, the number of our subscription members is big, and it turns out 3 of total items for this fall box must be manufactured from scratch in the factory. 

Now, due to the unstable global economy situation, the price of oil and other raw materials went up sharply. Therefore, our suppliers had no choice but to take more time and effort to get those materials at a reasonable price to meet our budget, which will then cause some delay in its production. 

Through a number of discussions, we finally came to a conclusion that the schedule for fall daebak box shipments need to be adjusted to at another time. We will give you an official notice again around the final shipment dates, but it is expected that the 1st batch of shipments will be around/after the middle of October, 2022. 

We hereby apologize for such delay of shipments for 2022 Fall Daebak Boxes. 

Please feel free to contact us ( on any issues or concerns you may have. 

We will keep doing our best to make you happy and satisfied with our service and products 

Again, we deeply apologize for an inconvenience caused by this matter and appreciate for your kind understanding.

Thank you so much. We, the Team Daebak, are always proud of serving the best customers. 

Very Respectfully,

Howard Cho, CEO of Daebak Company & All Staff from Team Daebak

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