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Some of the Fiercest Eye Makeup Worn by Male Idols - The Daebak Company
One thing that sets idols apart is that K-beauty is deeply embedded in their culture, and this goes for both men and women. From music video sets to the fashion, the world of K-pop and its idols know how to turn a look exceptionally well and keep us staring at all their pretty faces for hours.
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Take a Trip Down K-Star Road! - The Daebak Company
The K-Star Road is a special project in Gangnam for foreign tourists looking to experience the Korean Wave. Does Gangnam sound familiar? Probably! This is the Gangnam from PSY's song "Gangnam Style."
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Ppushu Ppushu To The Limit Limit! - The Daebak Company
When I was in elementary school, my classmates brought all sorts of snacks to eat during recess, from chips to fruit pieces. One of the most memorable snacks was ramen. I was confused as to how they were going to...
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Happiness delivered from Korea!