Daebak Daily RSS

Top 5 Kpop Dance Covers - The Daebak Company
Whether you know how to dance or want to learn how to dance, come check out these top 5 Kpop dance covers! 1. Ellen & Brian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1moZpxKwe9w Feature Video: YouTube (Ellen & Brian) Feature Image: Instagram (@ebeelife ) This couple...
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Bridging Diversity "Twogether" - The Daebak Company
A Netflix Original that brings unity without boundaries We all watch Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese, American dramas, and so on. But what comes rarely is a series that incorporates two different countries. This is what Netflix has created. Through an original...
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The Summer 2020 Daebak Box: In Review - The Daebak Company
Wonder no longer! Now that the Fall 2020 Daebak Box is preparing to be rolled out, we are here to reveal the contents of what may have been included in your Summer 2020 Box! This was such a fun box...
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It's Bloom Time - The Daebak Company
It is officially that time of year when everything starts to bloom. The scenery becomes as beautiful as a painting. Flowers grow all around us and are planted or they naturally sprout. Here are five Korean flowers that you can...
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Daebak Box

Happiness delivered from Korea!