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Natalie: The Life and Times of a Non-Traditional Daebak Global Intern Alumni - The Daebak Company
I can’t describe the feeling of being able to rant about K-Pop and K-Dramas through an internship position at the same time! This bubbly and exciting feeling of expressing a large piece of myself to an audience that will appreciate and understand your feelings is something that can’t be described with words. My journey of how I became an intern with this company is a long, but exciting one; Coming from a non-traditional and non-target school. As long as you are passionate, stay true to yourself, stay driven, and the roads that will open up are endless!
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Outside of the United States, sports fans in South Korea are one of the best fandoms around the world. Whether they are cheering for their favorite sports team within South Korea or in a different professional sports league in another country (i.e. NBA in the U.S.), and/or even cheering for South Korea’s national sports teams during the Olympics, their endless amount of dedication, enthusiasm, and support for their favorite teams or athletes is truly outstanding.
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