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Korean Home-Cooking On The Go: CJ Hetbahn Cupbahn - The Daebak Company
Want the taste of a Korean home-cooked meal, but a busy schedule is getting in the way? The South Korean food company based in Seoul, CJ CheilJedang (CJμ œμΌμ œλ‹Ή) has the perfect solution for you with their line of Korean home-style instant meals!
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Scissors for EVERYTHING Food-Related! - The Daebak Company
Many people in different countries around the world don’t use forks, spoons, and knives for all of their meals! Korea is one of those countries: most use chopsticks, spoons, and scissors when eating.
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Snack Hacks! Leveling Up ⚑ - The Daebak Company
Level up your snacks in less than a minute! While delicious on their own, experimenting here and there with small changes and additions can increase your personal enjoyment of them!
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Happiness delivered from Korea!